On 04/01/2011 02:09 PM, David Donnelly wrote:
“Of course, we may all not survive the bad
Given what we are witnessing in state and federal budget cuts around
the nation in programs serving the poor, kids, and elderly, while some
large corporations pay little or no taxes (after spending heavily to
influence and elect pliant legislative bodies and executives — exactly
how much we’ll never know), I think that statement is an important coda
on this debate.
And that statement is classic example of evidence of why the elites are
no wiser than the electorate, who were unwise to vote themselves
largesse at the public expense and now can expect to suffer the
consequences of that mistake. The poor, the kids, the sick, and the
elderly have to learn to take care of themselves by their own efforts.
The large corporations are not standing in their way. They have had
every opportunity. If they don't make wise choices it is not up to the
rest of us to pay for that.
I once chose to be rich. My enemies chose to make me poor. Now I choose
to work for a cause that pays nothing, so I'm poor. My choice. When I
was a kid I chose to educate myself. A few teachers helped but it was
my choice to learn and had anyone gotten in my way he would have gotten
hurt. Now I am old and sick, but that was my choice, too, because I
chose to live long enough to let that happen. Now I wait for that last
one to take me and that is the choice the Universe makes for us all. If
someone tries to keep me alive a little while longer, I will appreciate
it but I don't claim to be entitled to it. I've led a good life and I'm
ready to go, although I intend to outlive anyone who tries to hasten my
We all have a duty, when we are no longer productive, to die and make
way for those that come after us, and who will hopefully learn from the
mistakes we didn't learn from.
-- Jon
Constitution Society http://constitution.org
2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322 twitter.com/lex_rex
Austin, TX 78757 512/299-5001 jon.roland@constitution.org