Subject: Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency
From: David Donnelly
Date: 4/1/2011, 12:09 PM
To: "" <>, "" <>

Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency “Of course, we may all not survive the bad choices”

Given what we are witnessing in state and federal budget cuts around the nation in programs serving the poor, kids, and elderly, while some large corporations pay little or no taxes (after spending heavily to influence and elect pliant legislative bodies and executives — exactly how much we’ll never know), I think that statement is an important coda on this debate.

On 4/1/11 2:58 PM, "Jon Roland" <> wrote:

On 04/01/2011 01:36 PM, Steve Hoersting wrote:
that individual men and women are incapable of self-government.
That is, of course, the issue. Some prefer to regard the voters as children, incapable of making wise decisions, and therefore to be guided and protected by a self-appointed elite who fancy themselves more capable.

They are not.

The voters may very well be negligent or unwise, but they are not incapable. The solution is to allow them to make bad choices and learn from their mistakes. Of course, we may all not survive the bad choices, but in the words of Tom Lehrer:

"We will all go together when we go ..."
-- Jon

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