Subject: Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment
From: Bev Harris
Date: 4/6/2011, 5:49 PM
To: "" <>

Quoting "Scarberry, Mark" <>:

Are you suggesting that the First Amendment does not protect me if I send an
anonymous letter to the newspaper

Most reputable newspapers nowadays do not allow anonymous letters. They tend to
be used to libel, or to game the system with free publicity. Likewise many Web
sites (including mine) do not allow anonymous posts. They are too often used to
troll, libel, and propagandize.

Bev Harris
Founder - Black Box Voting

* * * * *

Government is the servant of the people, and not the master of them. The
people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right
to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to
know. We insist on remaining informed so that we may retain control over the
instruments of government we have created.

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