Subject: Re: [EL] Banning political parties
From: "Maceda, Cliff" <>
Date: 4/11/2011, 8:48 AM
To: Salvador Peralta <>, "" <>

Arkansas 7-3-108 used to specifically ban the Communist Party.  As of 2001 it still banned, among other things, a party “which is directly or indirectly affiliated by any means whatsoever with the Communist Party of the United States, the Third Communist International, or any other foreign agency, political party, organization, or government.”  I recall being very surprised when I came across that statute.  The language about the Communist Party has since been excised, it now reads, in part:


7-3-108.  Subversive parties -- New parties -- Affidavit required -- Penalty.

  (a) No political party shall be recognized, qualified to participate, or permitted to have the names of its candidates printed on the ballot in any election in this state that:

   (1) Either directly or indirectly advocates, teaches, justifies, aids, or abets the overthrow by force or violence, or by any unlawful means, of the government of the United States or this state, or an act of terrorism as defined by § 5-54-205; or

   (2) Directly or indirectly carries on, advocates, teaches, justifies, aids, or abets a program of sabotage, force and violence, sedition, or treason against the government of the United States or this state.


Clifford Maceda


From: [] On Behalf Of Salvador Peralta
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 5:46 PM
Subject: [EL] Banning political parties


Can anyone on the list point me to instances where a state or the federal government has banned a political party?

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