Subject: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges should be appointed
From: Paul Lehto
Date: 4/12/2011, 7:39 PM
To: Election Law

It is, perhaps, a disappointment to some on this list that only 22%
(in a Rasmussen poll released today) think that most judges should be
appointed. Sixty-five percent (65%) favor election.   What Rasmussen
calls 'the political class' disagrees, with a plurality of 49%
favoring appointment.   I conclude that the people still favor
democratically elected judges, despite hand-wringing amongst the
political class about the "evils" of judicial elections.  Among other
things, this hand-wringing (if it becomes successful) has the effect
of shifting power to the political class, because the power of
appointing judges shifts power to elected officials and political
establishments and away from voters.


-- Paul R Lehto, J.D. P.O. Box 1 Ishpeming, MI 49849 906-204-4026 (cell) _______________________________________________ election-law mailing list