The Rutgers Law School-Newark Constitutional Litigation Clinic has filed
a suit challenging 21-day advance voter registration under the New
Jersey Constitution. The suit claims that the requirement of advance
registration is an obsolete and undue burden on the constitutional right
to vote in light of modern technology and the State's Statewide Voter
Registration System (SVRS). The prime Plaintiff is the Rutgers
University Student Assembly, which represents the Rutgers student body
in new Brunswick and Piscataway. Other plaintiffs are the Latino
leadership Alliance of New Jersey, the New Jersey ACLU and New Jersey
Citizen Action plus half a dozen individuals who lost their right to
vote in recent elections because their registrations were not properly
processed in time for Election Day. A pdf file of the 34-page Complaint
is attached as well as a press release distributed by the ACLU. FRANK
Prof. Frank Askin
Distinguished Professor of Law and Director
Constitutional Litigation Clinic
Rutgers Law School/Newark
(973) 353-5687