Subject: [EL] more news 5/5/11 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 5/5/2011, 12:33 PM |
To: Election Law |
latest from Florida.
A must-read
report from the Center for Responsive Politics.
Pretty dramatic
if correct (slight correction already here).
"The Common Cause argument [for recusal of Justices Scalia and
Thomas in CU] was thin on its facts, and the Supreme Court
denied that either justice had ever participated in any such
corporate strategy sessions. Common Cause did, however, succeed
in getting its name into a few headlines, from which it had been
absent for some years."
Linda Greenhouse, Opinionator Blog (NYT), 'Recuse
latest from Indiana.
Capitol Weekly reports.
(not really a rant but I love alliteration).
See here.
news story describes the Trans-Saharan
Elections Project at the University of Florida.
Anita Krishnakumar has posted this
draft on SSRN (forthcoming, Notre Dame Law Review).
Here is the abstract: