Subject: Re: [EL] Important information on migration of election law listserv
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/12/2011, 9:54 AM
To: "" <>, Legislation <>
CC: "Furukawa, Patty" <>, jim.kieley <>, Terence Mitchell <>, Rob Larmon <>, Wittenberg <>

Well that didn't take 2 days (not even two hours!), thanks to the great work of the UCI and Loyola IT teams.  By now you should have received a welcome message letting you know that your subscription to the election law list has been transferred over to the UCI servers.  You might want to confirm that your settings (such as any digesting functions) are set as they were before.  Follow the instructions in the Welcome email.

To post to the new listserv address, send a message to:

Important note:  The address for listserv posts begins with "law-election," not "election-law" as it has been in the past, because each UCI listserv must start with the relevant department.  Messages sent beginning with "election-law" will not be processed.

Note also that, as with the listserv when hosted by Loyola, in order for your list message to go through, you must post exactly from the email address to which you are subscribed (this has been a particular problem for people with addresses, because of how NYU's email system is configured).

If you have any technical questions, please send me a private message.

Thanks again for your patience and cooperation!


On 5/11/2011 8:07 AM, Rick Hasen wrote:
You are receiving this message because you are a subscriber to the Election Law listserv or the Legislation listserv (or both).

Over the next few weeks, the two listservs' administrative functions will be moved from the Loyola Law School's servers to the servers at UC Irvine.  The Election Law Blog, currently hosted by Loyola, will also move hosting services to UCI.  These moves come as I complete my transition from Loyola to UCI.

During the time of the listserv migrations, the listservs will be down.  Messages sent to either list will not go through, and they will not appear when the migration is complete.  Instead, any messages sent during the down time will need to be resent once the migration is complete.  The process should take 1-2 days, and I will alert you when the process begins and ends.  After the process is complete, listserv messages will be coming to you from a address, rather than an address.  You'll need to make sure that those messages don't go into a junk or spam folder when they arrive.

After the migration of the listservs, you will need to use a different address to post messages to the list.  I'll be sending out that new address when the migration is complete.  You will not need to do anything to update your subscription, as subscription information will be transferred during the migration.

Thanks to Loyola's generosity, Loyola Law School will continue to host the archives of messages posted to the list before the migration.  Archived listserv messages have been cited, linked, and quoted in the past in law review articles, blog posts, and elsewhere (with the permission of the poster, consistent with listserv policy).  By continuing to host the old archives, Loyola will ensure that the links to these old messages will remain active.  Any messages posted after the migration will appear in archives on UC Irvine servers.

There will also be some downtime when the Election Law Blog moves servers.  This will result in some time when the blog, and its archives, will be unavailable.  I'll post a message before this transition occurs and then let you know through the listservs once this migration is complete.

Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the IT professionals at Loyola who have done an excellent job at maintaining the smooth function of these listservs and the blog over my years at Loyola.  Thanks to Jim Kieley, Terry Mitchell, Rob Larmon, Chris Wittenberg, and others at Loyola who have made the technology which allows our communications about election law and legislation issues to appear seamless and effort-free.  In fact, the IT side takes a lot of effort, and I appreciate their hard work and dedication.


Rick Hasen
Visiting Professor
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School

Rick Hasen
Visiting Professor
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School