[EL] Breaking: Indiana SOS Removed from Office; More News

Robbin Stewart gtbear at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 13:24:35 PST 2011

I'm not confident that this decision will hold up on appeal. But
meanwhile two questions.

Does this mean that as a matter of law the Libertarian candidate came
in second? If so, my understanding of the statutes (which may be
is that would have consequences, as far as things like appointing a
co-director of the election commission, and hiring election workers.

Second, Vop was elected to the Indianapolis City Council and will take
office shortly, but he can't hold two offices at once. Does he have to
refrain from taking office on the council? Maybe it depends on how
quickly a stay if any is issued.

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Scott F. Bieniek
<sbieniek at bienieklaw.com> wrote:

> Indiana also determines ballot order for the next couple of elections based
> on votes for SoS by county. This decision would appear to guarantee
> Democrats first place on ballot until next SoS election in EVERY county.
> And again, White won in a landslide.

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