[EL] Hahn "more moderate" than Bowen?

Stewart Jenkins info at stewjenkins.com
Wed May 18 21:57:20 PDT 2011

Good evening Richard,
   I suspect we should all wait to see whether the provisional and write-in ballots change the identity of the runner up in Cal. Congressional Dist. 36.  Everyone on this list knows well that a 200 vote difference in a Congressional district can disappear in a very short time as the count continues.
   However, with all respect to your opinion Richard, knowing and respecting both Hahn and Bowen, I have to say that the claim that either is beholden to labor unions is misplaced.  A mere talking point.  Both Hahn and Bowen have devoted themselves to improving the lot of working Californians for decades, and those who seek employment, because they believe in public policies that promote fair and available employment as part of opportunity.  In reality labor unions and their members are beholden to each of them.
   Mr. Segal's analysis that Janice Hahn is "more moderate" might be true on particular issues, but in the District this conclusion may simply reflect Hahn's pragmatic style of approaching public policy and constituent service.  Both Hahn and Bowen are well known by the politically active in the 36th, but Hahn's proximate service on LA City Council and her family's long history of public service, make Hahn more immediately recognizable and tangible to a broader section of the electorate in the 36th.  Even so, should the race end up Hahn vs. Bowen, the race will be competitive.  Should it be Hahn vs. Huey, I think it safe to say that the runoff will be symbolic.
Stew Jenkins
Law Office of Stew Jenkins
1336 Morro Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(phone) 805-541-5763
(fax) 805-547-1608
(e-address) info at stewjenkins.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Winger" <richardwinger at yahoo.com>
To: rhasen at law.uci.edu, law-election at uci.edu, "David Segal" <davidadamsegal at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 8:31:52 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: [EL] Hahn "more moderate" than Bowen?

I don't agree with the idea that Janice Hahn is "more moderate" than Debra Bowen. The chief difference between them is that almost all the labor unions support Hahn. On issues, there is virtually no difference between them. If there is any type of candidate that makes California Republican activists and politicians upset, it is the type of candidate who is beholden to unions, especially unions representing government employees. 

--- On Wed, 5/18/11, David Segal <davidadamsegal at hotmail.com> wrote: 

From: David Segal <davidadamsegal at hotmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [EL] Wow -- Repub Huey bests Bowen for top two in CA-36 
To: rhasen at law.uci.edu, law-election at uci.edu 
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 12:10 AM 

I suppose this means that in this case both: 

1) The general election emulates what likely would've come to pass had the same candidates been divvied up by party in traditional primaries 


2) The ultimate victor will comport with what we'd have expected from the anticipated top-two Hahn vs Bowen contest (if we're reducing it to a two-dimensional left-right axis) with Hahn, the more moderate candidate, winning the seat. 

From: davidadamsegal at hotmail.com 
To: rhasen at law.uci.edu; law-election at uci.edu 
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 06:53:55 +0000 
Subject: [EL] Wow -- Repub Huey bests Bowen for top two in CA-36 

In case anybody's awake, unofficial results w 100% reporting. Almost 40% of votes cast went to Republicans. 

-David Segal (variously of FairVote, Change Congress, and NPV) 

JANICE HAHN            DEM                                13,137    24.66 
CRAIG HUEY             REP                                11,648    21.87 
DEBRA BOWEN            DEM                                11,442    21.48 
MARCY WINOGRAD         DEM                                 5,066     9.51 
MIKE GIN               REP                                 4,145     7.78 
MIKE WEBB              REP                                 3,148     5.91 
PATRICK BOBKO          REP                                 1,954     3.67 
STEVE COLLETT          LIB                                   738     1.39 
                                   660     1.24 
DANIEL H ADLER         DEM                                   285     0.54 
LORAINE GOODWIN        DEM                                   260     0.49 
MARIA E MONTANO        PF                                    252     0.47 
GEORGE NEWBERRY        REP                                   198     0.37 
MATTHEW ROOZEE         NP                                    132     0.25 
KATHERINE PILOT        NP                                    108     0.20 
MICHAEL T CHAMNESS     NP                                     93     0.17 

TOTAL PRECINCTS        261            PRECINCTS REPORTING       261   100.00 
REGISTRATION       345,232 

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