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Bev Harris
bev at blackboxvoting.org
Fri Sep 30 11:19:33 PDT 2011
I think the issue was not his right to speak his opinion, but where he put the
If you've ever owned a home that required membership in the homeowners
association, you'd be familiar with how intrusive that can get. They tell you
what color you can paint your house, what you can park in your driveway, when
to mow your lawn and yes, what signage they will allow. (where I lived it was
none; some places political signs can only be a certain size)
Local ordinances can also be restrictive about signage. I happen to be in Santa
Fe New Mexico at the moment. They can't have signs higher than buildings. It's
dang hard to find the store you are looking for. I guess you could say that,
too, is restricting the store owner's first amendment rights, but I doubt that
it is; what is it restricting is location of sign and size of sign.
Quoting Bill Maurer <wmaurer at ij.org>:
> So, we need to familiarize ourselves with local ordinances before we can
> speak on our own property now? When did Ladue (or the First Amendment,
> for that matter) get overturned?
Bev Harris
Founder - Black Box Voting
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instruments of government we have created.
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