[EL] Fwd: EAC Newsline 2012 # 37 ( 11-5-12 )
Edward Still
still at votelaw.com
Tue Nov 6 07:38:53 PST 2012
Another way to look at it: see what an agency can do WITHOUT commissioners.
Edward Still
Edward Still Law Firm LLC
130 Wildwood Parkway, Suite 108, PMB 304
Birmingham AL 35209
205-320-2882 (voice & fax)
still at votelaw.com
www.linkedin.com/in/edwardstill <http://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardstill>
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:34 PM, Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu> wrote:
> The zombie agency is still alive, somehow, with no commissioners or
> General Counsel.
> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: EAC Newsline 2012 # 37 (
> 11-5-12 ) Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 15:47:43 -0600 From: U.S. Election
> Assistance Commission <bwhitener at eac.gov> <bwhitener at eac.gov> Reply-To:
> <bwhitener at eac.gov> <bwhitener at eac.gov> To: rhasen at law.uci.edu
> <rhasen at law.uci.edu> <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
> To view this message in a browser, please click here<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/message.aspx?d=237&m=1008&e=rhasen@law.uci.edu&r=233181&f=HTML>
> . [image: United States Election Assistance Commission] EAC Newsline:
> November 5, 2012
> News & Updates
> *Election Day Tomorrow*
> *Quick State Election Info
> *Tomorrow's federal and state elections will all be conducted by the
> states. For quick reference, see State Election Info Sheet<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=1&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>(website, phone number, Twitter and polling place hours for each state.)
> *Hurricane & the election
> *Many election offices were impacted by Hurricane Sandy over the last
> several days and EAC has resources available<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=2&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>that may be useful.
> *Tips for the Nov 6th election
> *EAC's Voting Tips card<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=3&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>be downloaded and used by citizens as a checklist to become familiar with
> the voting process in their state before voting in the November 6th
> Presidential Election.
> *Updated online map of EAC-certified voting systems
> *EAC's updated Certified Voting System Map<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=4&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>locates EAC-certified voting systems and components that are used in
> federal elections. The map allows users to quickly access key information
> that includes the county in which they are used, test plans, test reports,
> and any system advisory alerts that may have been issued about the system.
> New categories on the map differentiate between (1) jurisdictions using
> each and every component of an EAC certified voting system; and (2)
> jurisdictions using one or more components from an EAC certified system.
> For more information see the updated map<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=5&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>and Voting
> Systems Map FAQs<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=6&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> *Accessible voter information guide & report
> *A new accessible voter information guide<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=7&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>is available that helps make election information accessible for voters
> with disabilities. A new report is also available detailing fifty
> actionable ideas to make voting more accessible<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=8&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> Both were developed from a project funded by ITIF through an EAC grant.
> *EAC, election offices & social media
> *Follow @EACgov<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=9&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>and the
> most comprehensive election official list<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=10&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>to get up-to-the-minute updates from all over the country. You can also sign
> up<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=11&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>for alerts and follow
> EAC on Twitter<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=12&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> *EAC 2012 election blog
> *EAC's recent blog posts<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=13&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>cover Election
> Updates<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=14&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>and Voting
> System Testing Updates<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=15&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>that track progress made on EAC system certification. Other
> posts<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=16&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Hurricane Sandy; Absentee and Early Voting; EAC Resources; VVSG 1.1 Public
> Comment Period; Accessible Voting Technology Initiative; NVRA Voter
> Registration Application; Interactive Election Maps; Veterans Access to
> Voting; Guides & Best Practices; Election Management Guidelines; Military
> Heroes Initiative Update; EAC Roundtables Recap; EAC Spotlight: County of
> Los Angeles; State Certification Meeting Wrap Up; Tips to Enhance Your
> Voting Experience; EAC's Election Administration and Voting Survey
> statistics; Presidential Elections and the Electoral College; Tabulating
> Election Results in the United States.
> *Job announcement (closes November 16)
> *EAC is seeking a staff accountant to provide expert services for the
> agency’s chief financial officer. See details<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=17&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> *EAC seeks pu**blic comments on proposed Voluntary Voting System
> Guidelines (VVSG)
> *EAC has extended the public comment period from 90 days to 130 days for
> VVSG version 1.1. This provides the public with an opportunity for
> additional input on proposed requirements for Version 1.1. Comments will be
> accepted through January 14. See details<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=18&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> *Veterans Voting Information & Best Practices
> *See EAC's follow-up Veterans Voting Information & Best Practices sheet<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=19&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>from last month’s roundtable. For more information, see the
> agenda<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=20&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>and archived
> webcast<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=21&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>on improving access to voting for America's veterans.
> *Ready for November! - Watch all of the discussions by topic
> *EAC hosted a series of nine roundtable discussions on topics to prepare
> for the Presidential Election in November. View on demand webcasts<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=22&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>. Here's
> a recap all nine discussions with links to agendas and archived webcasts.
> 1. Access to Voting for Veterans<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=23&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>: election
> operations, procedures and accessibility best practices for improving
> access to voting for veterans.
> 2. Getting Ready for November<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=24&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> what to expect and how to prepare for November and beyond. Participants
> shared ideas and strategies about voting system preparation, ballot
> preparation, voter education, polling places, voter turnout, provisional
> ballots and more.
> 3. EAC Clearinghouse<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=25&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> to highlight and build on EAC’s role as a national clearinghouse and
> resource for election officials around the country. Participants shared
> ideas and strategies for improving the administration of elections in the
> U.S.
> 4. Voting System Preparation<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=26&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> cost-efficient procedures and best practices for conducting voting system
> preparation activities.
> 5. Contingency Planning<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=27&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> real world contingency planning solutions and strategies to prevent or
> minimize interruptions in voting during an emergency or crisis situation.
> 6. Design Counts in Elections<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=28&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> simple design principles ballots and polling place signs come with few
> costs yet yield huge benefits for the American electorate.
> 7. Social Media in Elections<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=29&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> how to provide the public with credible, reliable and timely social media
> sources about elections. Election officials and journalists discuss their
> experiences.
> 8. Preparing for 2012: The Life Cycle of Voting Machines<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=30&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Explored the issues associated with the sustainability of voting systems.
> Participants included manufacturers, election officials and members of the
> news media.
> 9. Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Products<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=31&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Discussion among election officials, voting system vendors, computer
> experts, and commercial product manufacturers to discuss the impact of
> commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products on voting systems.
> *Prepared for November: guides, best practices and resources brought to
> you by EAC!
> *EAC created many resources for voters and election officials. Examples
> include Voter Guides, Designing Polling Place Materials, Pollworker Best
> Practices among other tools. As November approaches, see how they can help
> you prepare for Election Day! Learn more<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=32&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> For the Election Management Guidelines and Quick Start Guides, click here<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=33&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> We also have interactive maps<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=34&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>with information for voters, election officials and other interested
> parties.
> - Testing and Certifying Voting Machines<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=35&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Even partial use of the info from EAC’s voting system certification program
> eliminates duplicative testing and saves election officials millions of
> dollars and up to 6 to 12 months of testing time. This program represents
> the first time the federal government has certified voting equipment and
> shared this information with election officials and the public.
> - The National Voter Registration Form<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=36&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> voters can use the form to register or update their information.
> - The National Clearinghouse on Elections<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=37&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Contents created by election officials for election officials. Includes
> language resources, election management guidelines, shared election
> administration practices and general information for voters.
> - Curriculum & Resources for Election Officials<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=38&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> Most election officials cannot afford training. EAC created an Election
> Management Guidelines program on everything from pre-election testing to
> poll worker training, free of charge. This includes manuals, brochures and
> videos.
> - Ballots and Polling Place Signage<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=39&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> EAC provides election officials with a FREE image library of camera ready
> images of ballots and polling place signs in English and six other
> languages. The image library is provided to them at no cost; images can be
> customized and sent right to a printer, which saves time and money.
> - Alternative Language Resources<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=40&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> EAC provides election officials with tools for voters who need language
> assistance. We provide an online translation tool<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=41&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>,
> voter’s guides and glossaries in seven languages; most jurisdictions cannot
> afford to produce these resources. And these resources are especially
> valuable to newly covered jurisdictions.
> - Peer to Peer Expertise<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=42&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>:
> In addition to the Preparing for 2012 roundtable discussions, EAC also
> hosts the Election Official Exchange<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=43&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>,
> an online tool for election officials to share ideas and innovations. For
> more updates, follow the most comprehensive list of election officials
> on Twitter<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=44&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>,
> as well as #BReady2012<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=45&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> ------------------------------
> *HAVA Funding & Research*
> *Funds available to states
> *2011 requirements payments are still available. Find out how much is
> available to your state and how to request these funds by visiting the
> EAC's website page Request Requirements Payments<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=46&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>. EAC
> has an MOE plan submission checklist<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=47&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>based upon inquiries and clarifications submitted by election officials.
> States can still apply to receive HAVA Title II requirements payments. For
> more information click here<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=48&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>or contact Monica Evans at
> havafunding at eac.gov and toll-free at (866) 747-1471.
> *ITIF accessible voting technology call for proposals – round two
> *ITIF issued a round 2 call for proposals<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=49&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>for projects that will pursue accessible election technology research and
> development. ITIF will grant up to $200,000 for research programs and pilot
> projects focusing on accessible election technology. The deadline to submit
> a proposal is November 30, 2012.
> *EAC Military Heroes Initiative
> *EAC’s grantee provides an overview of their research<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=50&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>on making voting accessible for disabled veterans. EAC and the Department
> of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program worked together on this
> initiative to research accommodations and assistance needed for recently
> injured military personnel to participate in federal elections. EAC will
> review the recommendations and determine implementation strategies, and we
> hope others will do the same. *Background*: In FY 2009 and FY 2010,
> Congress provided funds to the EAC to develop a research program to
> continue to support accessible voting technology. In September 2010, EAC
> awarded a $500,000 grant for the Military Heroes Initiative to the
> Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). Read more about it
> here<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=51&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> In 2011, EAC awarded<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=52&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>$7,000,000 to support research on technologies and approaches to meet the
> challenge of making voting accessible for all eligible voters. Grants were
> awarded to Clemson University and ITIF. The Election Center<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=53&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>,
> on behalf of Clemson University, conducted four Research Alliance for
> Accessible Voting (RAAV) training sessions to receive input on the issue of
> voting accessibility.
> *Election data
> *EAC will compile extensive 2012 data from the states after the election.
> Meanwhile, EAC’s 2010 Election Administration and Voting Survey<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=54&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>(EAVS) report contains comprehensive, nationwide data and information on
> the 2010 election such as the number of absentee ballots cast, the number
> of poll workers who served, and the types of voting equipment used. The
> 2010 EAVS report is based on the results of a survey of all States, the
> District of Columbia, and four territories—American Samoa, Guam, Puerto
> Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. See the report, tables, datasets and
> highlights here<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=55&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>.
> The survey also includes summaries of the information found in two related
> reports: EAC’s 2010 military & overseas voting report<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=56&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008> and
> EAC’s 2010 NVRA Motor Voter report<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=57&d=237&mid=334681&m=1008>
> .
> Forward to Friend<http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/forward.aspx?d=237&m=1008&e=rhasen@law.uci.edu>
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> C2012 US Election Assistance Commission. All Rights Reserved. 1201 New
> York Avenue, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005
> [image: Web Bug from
> http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/img.aspx?d=237&mid=334681&m=1008&r=233181]
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