November 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Nov 1 09:21:30 PDT 2012
Ending: Fri Nov 30 12:41:32 PST 2012
Messages: 408
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/1/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] EAC
Smith, Brad
- [EL] ELB 10/31/12--"Architect of felon voter purge behind Florida's new limits
Roy Schotland
- [EL] Can Emergencies Postpone the Presidential Election?
- [EL] more news 11/1/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] The New Socialism - Super-PACs Stealing From Rich People
Will Moore
Goldfeder, Jerry H.
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/2/12
Rick Hasen
Salvador Peralta
- [EL] Ballot Tampering Reported in Oregon
Jonathan Singer
- [EL] ooooooooooops-------#270DAILYQUIZ PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS DAILY QUIZ ----- "FINAL EXAM EDITION" - November 2, 2012
Goldfeder, Jerry H.
Salvador Peralta
- [EL] more news 11/2/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Calif. Libt Pty gains over 14, 000 registrants in last 45 days
Richard Winger
- [EL] "Dark Money"
JBoppjr at
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/3/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] how does election observing work at polling places?
Doug Hess
- [EL] is it seemly for Justice Breyer to be pictured in his son's campaign literature?
Richard Winger
- [EL] New Jersey to allow vote-by-email
Derek Muller
- [EL] NJ's Approach to Displaced Hurricane Sandy Voters?
Lillie Coney
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/4/12
Rick Hasen
Goldfeder, Jerry H.
- [EL] more news 11/4/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Excuses the day after the election
David A. Schultz
- [EL] Corrected link to Ned Foley analysis of provisional ballots issue
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Absentee Ballot Question
Lisa Danetz
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/5/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Stuped last-minute questions on Election Day discounts
David A. Holtzman
- [EL] more news 11/5/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Tag to exchnage on mail ballots & postage / Election night trackers
Rob Richie
- [EL] Subject Lines
Lowenstein, Daniel
- [EL] still more news 11/5/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Email Voting Fails Some New Jersey Residents - BuzzFeed Mobile
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: EAC Newsline 2012 # 37 ( 11-5-12 )
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: Election Law Blog _ Rick Hasen's blog
Rick Hasen
- [EL] litigation probabilities
Mark Rush
- [EL] Question about reading on campaign finance
Charles Stewart III
- [EL] Super PACs and the Presidency
Steve Hoersting
- [EL] ELB Election Day Update # 1
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Question for ListServe re pictures in polling places
Joe La Rue
- [EL] Alabama officials get xenophobic about the OSCE observers
Edward Still
- [EL] Video of PA touchscreen vote flipping in presidential race, apparently not miscalibration
Paul Lehto
- [EL] Equal Protection problems in NJ?
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- [EL] Guam presidential vote now counted; comparison with 2008 Guam vote
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB Election Day Update # 2
Rick Hasen
- [EL] voter registration applications with maps
Doug Hess
- [EL] ELB Election Day Update # 3
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB Election Day Update # 4
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB Election Day Update # 5
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Arizona defeats top-two by 2:1
Richard Winger
- [EL] Mitt Romney and Americans Elect; what might have been
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB Election Day Final Update
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Twitter "analysis" of waiting in line
Jack Santucci
- [EL] Republicans only won 8 US Senate seats; smallest for either since 1964
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/7/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] popular and electoral vote counts; turnout down in 2012
Mark Rush
- [EL] how foreign election observers see US elections
jure.toplak at
- [EL] Law-election Digest, Vol 19, Issue 9
Menzel, Ken
- [EL] more news 11/7/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] two Ohio State Supreme Court justices lose re-election
Richard Winger
- [EL] North Carolina Election Administration
Susan Lerner
- [EL] Listserv Subscriptions
Lowenstein, Daniel
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/8/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Touchscreen miscalibration or fraud - does it matter? WAS: Law-election Digest, Vol 19, Issue 9
Paul Lehto
- [EL] more news 11/8/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Legal Effect (if any) of alleged verbal candidate concession
Paul Lehto
- [EL] The (Republican) Disaster Known as ORCA?
Steve Hoersting
- [EL] For those of you who were so dubious about the existence of voter suppression . . .
Marty Lederman
- [EL] millions of ballots left to count in CA alone & national vote totals
Douglas Johnson
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/9/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Supreme Court Grants Cert in Shelby County
Bryan Tyson
- [EL] Breaking news/more news
Rick Hasen
- [EL] still more news 11/9/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] VRA story roundup at how appealing
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Original Intent for POTUS Election
- [EL] 25 independent & minor party candidates elected to state legislatures this week
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/11/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Ct. Sec. of State web page has huge election returns error
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/12/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] 2012 first time since 1952 when US House popular vote majority ends up as minority
Richard Winger
- [EL] Reps got more popular votes for US House in 1996 than Dems
Richard Winger
- [EL] GW Election Law Symposium—RSVP Closing Soon
Spencer Overton
- [EL] accounting for races with only one major party nominee on ballot
Gaddie, Ronald K.
- [EL] CORRECTON : 2012 first time since 1952 when US House popular vote majority ends up as minority
Rob Richie
- [EL] more news 11/12/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/13/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] 2012 presidential spending by corps and unions
Reuben, Richard C.
- [EL] Black vote in Maryland gay marriage question
Scott Rafferty
- [EL] Election Academy Receives NSF Grant to Study Pollworkers' Effect on Election Security
Edward Still
- [EL] backlash on voter ID
Doug Hess
David A. Holtzman
- [EL] more news 11/13/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Kyrsten Sinema, new Congresswoman, was once a Green Party nominee
Richard Winger
- [EL] Last Call—GW Election Law Symposium—RSVP Closing Tonight
Spencer Overton
- [EL] Fw: The GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Voter Fraud
Jon Roland
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/14/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: MEDIA ADVISORY - Panel: Dark Money, Media and the 2012 Campaign - Friday at 9:30 am
Rick Hasen
- [EL] op-ed piece of mine/"Beyond Citizens United: Fixing the American elections system"
David A. Schultz
- [EL] more news 11/14/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/15/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Beyond Citizens United: Comment for Schultz
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/16/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Sixth Circuit stay
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/17/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Crowd-sourcing: Taxonomy of charges of vote suppression
Edward Still
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/19/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] 2012 most minor party & indp cand. victories for state legisture since 1942
Richard Winger
- [EL] Allen West recount
Rick Hasen
- [EL] one-sentence movie review
Richard Winger
- [EL] French vote-counting dispute
Foley, Edward
- [EL] query on NH student voting case
Rick Hasen
- [EL] anyone know a place that has primary dates in 2014?
Richard Winger
- [EL] 2014 congressional primary dates
Richard Winger
- [EL] New book in my series on "Election Law, Politics, and Theory"
David A. Schultz
- [EL] Shameless self-promotion/New Article on Voter Fraud/ID
David A. Schultz
- [EL] Money and Politics
JBoppjr at
- [EL] Florida: West Concedes to Murphy : Roll Call
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/20/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] NC-07 to Recount
Rick Hasen
- [EL] my take on the 2012 elections and forward
Frank Askin
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/21/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] House votes vs seats in AZ & CA
Douglas Johnson
- [EL] Obama is not first president to be re-elected with decreased support
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/26/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/27/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Two thoughts on the Electoral College and National Popular Vote
Sean Parnell
- [EL] CLE on CU
Beth Kingsley
- [EL] Rights to secession: Does size matter?
Mark Rush
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/28/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/29/12
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Wow does Greenhouse miss the point
Smith, Brad
- [EL] Auto: Law-election Digest, Vol 19, Issue 30
jennie.bowser at
- [EL] Michigan Secretary of State seeks to block ballot initiatives by special interests
Sam Bagenstos
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 11/30/12
Rick Hasen
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 12:41:32 PST 2012
Archived on: Tue Feb 16 23:31:11 PST 2016
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