dasmith dasmith at ufl.edu
Tue Nov 13 11:08:51 PST 2012

hi rick

i suspect some politicians and political operatives in tallahassee would 
like to see me flee the state, but i have no such plans at this time 
(despite how lovely NH is this time of year).


daniel a. smith, ph.d.
professor & uf research foundation professor (2010-2012)
coordinator, political science internship program
department of political science
003 anderson hall              |  phone: 352-273-2346
po box 117325                  |  fax: 352-392-8127
university of florida          |  email: dasmith at ufl.edu
gainesville, fl 32611-7325     |  www.clas.ufl.edu/users/dasmith/

On 11/13/2012 1:54 PM, Rick Hasen wrote:
> Michael Herron and Dan Smith will be surprised to learn that the 
> league has made them move schools.
> Rick
> On 11/13/12 10:49 AM, David A. Holtzman wrote:
>> FYI, re our "national embarrassment."
>> --
>> Sent from a mobile device.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From:* League of Women Voters of Florida <lwvfcomm at gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:lwvfcomm at gmail.com>>
>>> *Date:* November 13, 2012 8:05:30 PST
>>> *To:* prez at lwvlosangeles.org <mailto:prez at lwvlosangeles.org>
>>> *Reply-To:* lwvfcomm at gmail.com <mailto:lwvfcomm at gmail.com>
>>> Having trouble viewing this email? www.TheFloridaVoter.org 
>>> <http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=jhigmrdab&v=001EgdY2fhRL-UZR2rTN99M-vgqoGOjnu_EUPZhjKSJagmx7f9nXMuRSrNSOIAeYcDvRmVoppdIO_ZCHnfURrIyeHHp3GgA1rClyxR9VRWRtJvTtriGCeGVpA%3D%3D> 
>>> LWVF logo NEW
>>> November 13, 2012
>>> Contact:
>>> *Deirdre Macnab*
>>> 407-415-4559
>>> League of Women Voters of Florida
>>> floridaleague at earthlink.net <mailto:floridaleague at earthlink.net>
>>> *Maribel Balbin
>>> *305-588-2594
>>> Miami Dade League of Women Voters
>>> info at lwvmiamidade.org <mailto:info at lwvmiamidade.org>
>>> Tallahassee, FL--In response to Florida's general election disaster, 
>>> a coalition of voter-protection organizations today called urgently 
>>> for creation of an election reform task force.
>>> Gathering at press conferences held simultaneously in Miami and 
>>> Orlando were representatives of the League of Women Voters of 
>>> Florida, AARP, National Congress of Black Women, Labor Council for 
>>> Latin American Advancement, Florida Institute for Reform and 
>>> Education, Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Lawyers 
>>> Committee For Civic Rights Under Law, SantLa Haitian Neighborhood 
>>> Center, South Florida Jobs with Justice, Florida Votes Count, 
>>> Equality Florida and the Hispanic Coalition.
>>> Outlining the many problems voters experienced during early voting 
>>> and on Election Day, League of Women Voters of Florida President 
>>> Deirdre Macnab said, "A week ago today, Florida voters saw the 
>>> culmination of a general election process that can be summarized in 
>>> one word: Unacceptable."
>>> The group called today for immediate and joint action by the 
>>> Legislature and the governor: "We are formally calling on the 
>>> governor and the Legislature to follow the example of 2000 and 
>>> appoint a multi-partisan task force chaired by trusted leaders." The 
>>> group recommended appointing a cross-section of knowledgeable 
>>> stakeholders with expertise in elections, supported by adequate 
>>> budget and staff, to develop a blueprint for successful election 
>>> reform.
>>> Speaking with one voice, the group urged: "We must finally put 
>>> Florida's shameful election disasters behind us. We ask that this 
>>> task force begin its work quickly and deliver its final 
>>> recommendations to the 2013 Legislature at least two weeks before 
>>> the 2013 session begins, allowing time for bills to be filed."
>>> The groups cited a litany of problems:
>>>   * Cuts in early voting days and lack of standardization in
>>>     early-voting hours across Florida's 67 counties
>>>   * Insufficient election budgets, facilities and equipment
>>>     throughout the state
>>>   * Expanded use of provisional ballots and ill-conceived voter purges
>>>   * A record-length ballot overloaded with complex, confusing amendments
>>>   * Lines requiring waits of up to 6 or 7 hours, inconveniencing
>>>     many and excluding many others, including the elderly, disabled
>>>     citizens, and voters who didn't have the time or stamina to wait
>>>     in hours-long lines
>>>   * The four-day delay in knowing the results.
>>> Cathy Kerns, representing the AARP said, "Voting is one of our most 
>>> important rights. Florida's elected officials have a responsibility 
>>> to act to lighten the burdens and lower the barriers that many 
>>> voters encountered on Election Day 2012. Those barriers were 
>>> especially high for older voters. Lowering those barriers is 
>>> important for all, regardless of age or ability."
>>> According to up-to-the minute research, the burden on minority 
>>> voters was disproportionate. University of Florida Professor Michael 
>>> C. Herron and Dartmouth College Professor Daniel A. Smith looked at 
>>> the racial/ethnic and partisan composition of early voters in 
>>> Florida, along with details about voters who were forced to wait in 
>>> line on Saturday night in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, and 
>>> who ended up casting their ballots after midnight. They found that 
>>> that minority voters, and in particular black voters, suffered 
>>> disproportionately from this year's unfair practices and that 
>>> minority voting was suppressed.
>>> Victor Sanchez from the Labor Council for Latin American 
>>> Advancement, said, "Latino voters in the State of Florida deeply 
>>> cherish the right to vote. When faced with unparalleled voter 
>>> suppression efforts, we have chosen to respond by condemning efforts 
>>> to place obstacles and impede free and fair elections."
>>> Voter activist LaVon W. Bracy added, "The entire nation is again 
>>> looking at the State of Florida. The voting process from October 27 
>>> - November 6 was embarrassing and unacceptable. What Governor Scott 
>>> and the Florida Legislature did under the guise of protecting the 
>>> vote is immoral. The total disregard for democracy must be 
>>> challenged and changed."
>>> Maribel Balbin, president of the Miami Dade League of Women Voters, 
>>> added, "It is clear that Florida's 2012 election process was 
>>> shameful and unacceptable. Miami Dade was one of the worst, with 
>>> some of the longest lines and most lengthy delays in counting ballots."
>>> League President Macnab said, "The state simply can't afford to be 
>>> in the national spotlight once again--as a punch line for late-night 
>>> comedy--as this could have a profound and damaging impact on our 
>>> ability to compete for jobs and new businesses moving to Florida."
>>> After the election fiasco in 2000, a bipartisan task force similar 
>>> to the group's proposal was assembled by then-Governor Jeb Bush, 
>>> with almost all of its recommendations implemented under Governors 
>>> Bush and Charlie Crist.
>>> All this changed in 2011 after the Legislature passed HB 1355, which 
>>> reduced early voting hours and instituted the other provisions that 
>>> led to this year's problems.
>>> Macnab stressed that immediate attention is necessary: "We must move 
>>> forward together to put Florida's election disasters behind us."
>>> ###
>>> //
>>> /The League of Women Voters of Florida, a nonpartisan political 
>>> organization, encourages informed and active participation in 
>>> government, works to increase understanding of major public policy 
>>> issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. 
>>> For more information, please visit the League's website at: 
>>> www.TheFloridaVoter.org. 
>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YXcGP7kC8-C1--1RiH-YO6wJ2FSUpBhri605uT2I9qdHDZryhH2Qypu3J_1dhpEsaCakR-CcAYXOpn1To5RT22-PRfVOHH1ECFz-BUVrTuoTxe4Q-DHfmQ==>/
>>> Forward email 
>>> <http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=jhigmrdab&m=1103316066537&ea=prez%40lwvlosangeles.org&a=1111544543418>
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>>> 	<http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Press_200>
>>> This email was sent to prez at lwvlosangeles.org 
>>> <mailto:prez at lwvlosangeles.org> by lwvfcomm at gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:lwvfcomm at gmail.com> |
>>> Update Profile/Email Address 
>>> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001f1SaSxuJ1zVfrkoyEhv6LYf8LFHMEUlE&t=001WQ6tKBKAsENcpUTrDilwzA%3D%3D&llr=jhigmrdab> 
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>>> | Privacy Policy 
>>> <http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.
>>> League of Women Voters of Florida| 540 Beverly Court| Tallahassee| 
>>> FL| 32301-4559
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>> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
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> -- 
> Rick Hasen
> Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
> UC Irvine School of Law
> 401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
> Irvine, CA 92697-8000
> 949.824.3072 - office
> 949.824.0495 - fax
> rhasen at law.uci.edu
> http://law.uci.edu/faculty/page1_r_hasen.html
> http://electionlawblog.org
> Now available: The Voting Wars:http://amzn.to/y22ZTv
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