[EL] Two thoughts on the Electoral College and National Popular Vote

Sean Parnell sean at impactpolicymanagement.com
Tue Nov 27 08:51:40 PST 2012

Two items came across my Twitter feed today (h/t to Rick for both) that I
think have some bearing on the whole National Popular Vote/Electoral Issue.


1.       Apparently only 17 states have completed their count of all
ballots, per this USA Today editorial (as a rule, I abhor citing editorials,
but I'm going to trust they got this fact right):
28529/ I think the implications for National Popular Vote are pretty obvious
- had this been a closer election (say, Bush-Gore or Kennedy-Nixon close)
we'd still not know who the president was, and there would be horrific legal
battles being waged right now all across the country over which ballots
should or should not be counted. The Electoral College seems to have
provided conclusive clarity rather quickly. 

2.      Second, apparently there's a theory floating around out there that
Romney could still be elected by the House of Representatives if a number of
states voting for Romney failed to submit their electoral votes, depriving
the Electoral College of a quorum (see here:
-idea.html). Absolute malarkey, to borrow from our Vice President. Still, it
does help to show the fallacy of what I call the 'English Bob
<http://www.quotefully.com/movie/Unforgiven/English+Bob> ' theory touted by
advocates of National Popular Vote, which is basically that the passage of
NPV would be so popular and accepted that there would be little thought of
challenge through the courts or legislative hanky panky. To paraphrase,
"Well there's a dignity to National Popular Vote. A majesty that precludes
the likelihood of partisan games. If you were to attempt to draft a lawsuit
or bill aimed at changing the election your hands would shake as though
palsied. I can assure you, if you did, that the popularity of NPV would
cause you to dismiss all thoughts of resistance and you would stand... how
shall I put it? In awe."






And yes, I have been waiting for a long time to unleash my English Bob




Sean Parnell


Impact Policy Management, LLC

6411 Caleb Court

Alexandria, VA  22315

571-289-1374 (c)

sean at impactpolicymanagement.com


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