[EL] Supreme Court Grants Cert in Shelby County

Bryan Tyson bpt at sbllaw.net
Fri Nov 9 12:35:41 PST 2012

Order issued today: http://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/110912zr_d18e.pdf

Question for review: Whether Congress' decision in 2006 to reauthorize Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act under the pre-existing coverage formula of Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act exceeded its authority under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and thus violated the Tenth Amendment and Article IV of the United States Constitution.

Bryan P. Tyson
Strickland Brockington Lewis LLP
1170 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30309
678.347.2200 (main)
678.347.2203 (direct)
678.347.2210 (fax)
bpt at sbllaw.net<mailto:bpt at sbllaw.net>

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