[EL] Can Nonprofits Increase Voting? A New Report

David A. Holtzman David at HoltzmanLaw.com
Tue Aug 6 12:15:41 PDT 2013

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Can Nonprofits Increase Voting? A New Report
Date: 	Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:00:28 -0000
From: 	George Pillsbury, Nonprofit VOTE <gpillsbury at nonprofitvote.org>
To: 	prez at lwvlosangeles.org

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Dear David,

What happens when nonprofits talk to their constituents about voting?
To find out, Nonprofit VOTE enlisted 94 nonprofits in seven states to 
track their voter contacts with 33,741 people engaged during services. I 
am pleased to share our findings in a new report, /*Can Nonprofits 
Increase Voting Among Their Clients, Constituents, and Staff? An 
Evaluation of the Track the Vote Program*/:

  * In spite of demographics known for lower turnout, those engaged by
    nonprofits voted at higher rates than all registered voters,
    outperforming their counterparts across all demographics.
  * Nonprofits had their biggest participation impact on youth, Latinos,
    and the lowest income voters least expected to vote.
  * The personal contact by nonprofits narrowed traditional voting
    disparities by race, ethnicity, age, and income.

In addition to the turnout results, the report examines the challenges 
nonprofits faced, their successes, and the strategies that worked to 
incorporate voter engagement into ongoing programs and services.
These findings underscore the potential of local nonprofits to reach 
people missed by campaigns and who are not expected to vote. They also 
highlight the ability of nonprofits to close participation gaps and 
expand the electorate through the personal contact they already have 
with the people they serve and engage every day.
I encourage you to read the Executive Summary 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/5hxznc> or the full report 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/layznc> and then share the results with 
your affiliates and partners.

RSVP Now! <http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/12yznc>Yours,
George Pillsbury
Executive Director

Please help us spread the word about this exciting new report by sharing 
it with your networks. Feel free to use the sample tweets and Facebook 
post below!
/Sample Tweets:/
Can nonprofits increase voter turnout? A new report from @NpVOTE says 
YES. http://bit.ly/13mXzul <http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/hvzznc>
Last year 94 nonprofits talked to their communities about voting. See 
the results: http://bit.ly/13mXzul <http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/xn0znc>
/Sample Facebook Post:/
In 2012, 94 nonprofits tracked their voter contacts with 33,741 clients 
and constituents. Find out who nonprofits reached and their impact on 
voter turnout by reading this new report. http://bit.ly/13mXzul 
// <http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/t81znc>/Nonprofit VOTE Blog 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/902znc> Nonprofit VOTE on Facebook 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/pt3znc>Nonprofit VOTE on Twitter 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/5l4znc>Nonprofit VOTE on Google Plus 
<http://e2.ma/click/12ati/h704hb/le5znc>Nonprofit VOTE's YouTube Channel 

Nonprofit VOTE
89 South Street, Suite 203 | Boston, Mass 02111

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