[EL] APSA Dinner Thusday August 29

Gronke Paul paul.gronke at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 15:22:24 PDT 2013

Miller's Pub?  You mean the watering hole for MIdwest Political Science attendees forever.  Do they actually have food at Miller's Pub?

I'll be there regardless, and thanks for the invite, Dan.

Paul Gronke	Ph:   503-517-7393
                        Fax: 503-661-0601

Professor, Reed College
Director, Early Voting Information Center
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Portland OR 97202

EVIC: http://earlyvoting.net

On Aug 21, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Lowenstein, Daniel wrote:

>             This year’s panel of the Law and Political Process Study Group at the American Political Science Association will be Thursday, August 29, at 2:00 p.m. https://www.apsanet.org/mtgs/program_2013/program.cfm?event=1603418
>                 It is the group’s tradition to hold a no-host dinner the evening of the panel, which will therefore be Thursday evening next week.  The dinner will be at Miller’s Pub, an old-fashioned restaurant conveniently located on the same block as the Palmer House, at 7 p.m.  The dinner is open to all members of the panel, friends of the Law and Political Process Study Group, and their guests.  The traditional definition of a friend of the Law and Political Process Study Group is that you are willing to have dinner with us and have not been convicted for more than one violent crime against members of the group.
>             If you are eligible and would like to attend the dinner, please let me know as soon as possible and indicate if you will be bringing one or more guests.  If possible, please let me know by Friday of this week.  I’ll try to have some flexibility in the reservation for people who contact me after Friday, but if you write to me by then, I should be able to assure you places.
>             If our group is 20 or more (which historically would be around our high end), there will be a limited menu of four or five selections (including one vegetarian).  If we are nineteen or less, you can order from the menu at Miller’s web site: http://www.millerspub.com/food.
>                 Please write me either to join the dinner or if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing many of you.
>                                                     Best,
>                                                     Daniel Lowenstein
>                                                     Director
>                                                     UCLA Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions (CLAFI)
>                                                     310-825-5148
>                                                     lowenstein at law.ucla.edu
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