[EL] Further clarification on mislabeled "study" on Internet voting

Bev Harris bev at blackboxvoting.org
Thu Mar 7 16:33:40 PST 2013

William Kelleher, whose primary work online is promotion of Internet voting,
just posted to the Election Law list a link to "a study" (his own paper, which
is not a study, but rather, a footnoted editorial) which he says debunks the
NIST position on Internet voting.

The biggest and most fatal defect of Internet voting is lack of transparency,
which is a different issue than security, and Kelleher's paper never mentions
transparency problems at all; but even if it is the security controversy that
floats your boat, the opinion piece is a political scientist writing about
encryption and computer security, both specialized fields not in his academic
area of expertise.

Just thought I'd check in on this in case people glanced at the misleading
statements about "NIST misrepresentations" and assumed there is more weight to
the self-published and self-described "study" than there actually is.


Bev Harris
Founder - Black Box Voting

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