[EL] Rick's Voting Rights Section piece in Slate
Marty Lederman
lederman.marty at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 10:48:47 PDT 2013
A long-awaited report
<http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/2013/s1303.pdf>from the Department
of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General issued
last week sheds considerable light on the battles within the department’s
voting section during the Bush and Obama administrations. The picture is
not pretty. It is a tale of dysfunction and party polarization that could
unfairly derail the nomination of the next secretary of labor and could
even provide ammunition to Justice Antonin Scalia’s incendiary
made during the Supreme Court’s hearing on the constitutionality of the
Voting Rights Act last month, that the civil rights law is a kind of
“racial entitlement.” The sordid business raises serious questions about
whether the whole model for the federal enforcement of voting rights should
be reworked.
The record of political bias in the Justice Department’s voting section
during President George W. Bush’s administration is well-known. (The
department’s voting section is charged with enforcing the Voting Rights Act
and other federal voting laws.) We know from earlier reports that election
officials, including Monica Goodling, went on a hiring
binge<http://www.justice.gov/opr/goodling072408.pdf>to hire
conservative attorneys to work in the section and, in
the words <http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/14/nation/na-justice14> of
Bush appointee Bradley Schlozman, to “gerrymander all those crazy libs
right out of the section.” We know that senior Justice Department officials
in the Bush era, including Hans von Spakovsky, overruled the
career civil-service attorneys in the section to approve Georgia’s
controversial voter identification law. And we know that the Justice
Department during the Bush era made decisions widely perceived to help
Republicans, such as approving Texas’s mid-decade re-redistricting of its
congressional seats to create more safe Republican seats, an effort partially
overturned by the Supreme
finding it violated the Voting Rights Act.
But less well-known are the charges by conservatives that the voting rights
section under the Obama administration has been just as biased in its
hiring and decision-making—including charges that the Justice Department
wrongfully dropped a case of voter intimidation against members of the New
Black Panthers Party during the 2008 election because the perpetrators were
African-American; that the department handled Freedom of Information Act
requests from liberals more quickly and efficiently than those from
conservatives; and that conservatives were disfavored in hiring and
promotion by the new bosses, including the head of the civil rights
division, Thomas Perez, who President Obama nominated
serve as the next secretary of labor.
The inspector general’s report rejected most of these conservative charges.
It found that the decision on the New Black Panthers, as well as decisions
on whether to pursue claims of voting rights violations against white
voters and others, were within the policy discretion of Justice Department
officials. Likewise, the inspector general concluded that many Bush-era
decisions, such as those over the Georgia voter ID law, were also within
the policy discretion of Justice Department officials. The inspector
general rejected the claim involving the handling of FOIA requests and
found that partisan hiring practices had improved since the Bush era.
But other aspects of the department’s investigation were deeply troubling.
As conservatives have long charged, many of the career civil-service
employees in the Justice Department’s voting section are strong liberals.
Conservatives who worked at the department, especially on cases involving
the protection of white voters, were ostracized, called “Klansman,” “Nazi,”
or subject to ridicule in department emails or in anonymous items posted on
political blogs. One voting-section employee admitted to lying under oath
to investigators about posting such comments. She said she did it in
response to a series of harassing comments made by three male conservative
colleagues in February 2007, including “highly offensive and inappropriate
sexual comments about the employee, including her sexual orientation, and
remarks about how she was ‘pro-black’ in her work.”
The lack of professionalism and level of personal nastiness in the report
in some cases is appalling. As Andrew Cohen
“ ‘At least we are better than Bradley Schlozman’ is no standard for a
Justice Department.” And while hiring practices have improved in the Obama
administration, the inspector general found that department’s use of civil
rights and voting rights experience as criteria for hiring tend to skew the
section’s hiring toward Democrats and liberals—experience that the
inspector general said was not always necessary to do the job. Further, one
of the members of the voting-section hiring committee often sent emails
within the Justice Department “that were highly critical of Republicans or
conservatives.” This “would lead a reasonable person to question [his]
ability to evaluate job applications free from political or ideological
The voting section’s troubles went beyond personnel issues into the
question of whether the Voting Rights Act was fairly enforced. Some
department employees, including a current manager “admitted to [IG
investigators] that, while they believed that the text of the Voting Rights
Act is race-neutral and applied to all races, they did not believe the
Voting Section should pursue cases on behalf of White victims.” Even if the
department had “infinite resources, [two career attorneys] still would not
have supported the filing of [a case against black officials discriminating
against white voters] because it was contrary to the purpose of the Voting
Rights Act, which was to ensure that minorities who had historically been
the victims of discrimination could exercise the right to vote.”
While the investigators did not find that these views affected how the
department enforced the Voting Rights Act, these statements will play right
into the hands of conservatives like Justice Scalia who attack the civil
rights law as a “racial entitlement.” Don’t be surprised to see the report
cited in an opinion by Justice Scalia in the *Shelby County* case
considering whether the Voting Rights Act remains constitutional.
More broadly, the report has gotten conservatives in a
will be featured prominently in the Perez nomination battle. Hostile
even though many of the problems predate his tenure as head of the civil
rights division and he comes across pretty well in the report. (The worst
the report says about him is that he gave inadvertently incorrect testimony
regarding whether political appointees were involved in decisions on
prosecutions in the New Black Panthers case and that he should have
investigated further before testifying about the case.)
The sharp divide between liberals and conservatives working for the voting
section, and the widely divergent policy choices they pursued in the Bush
and Obama administrations, raises serious questions about whether this wing
of the Justice Department, as currently constituted, can do its job. The
inspector general’s report rejected the idea that it was inevitable for the
voting wars<http://www.amazon.com/Voting-Wars-Florida-Election-Meltdown/dp/0300182031/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1329286945&sr=1-2-catcorr>to
spill into the voting section:
“Other Department components—including components that specialize in
subject areas that are also politically controversial, such as
environmental protection—do not appear to suffer from the same degree of
polarization and internecine conflict. We believe the difference is largely
a function of leadership and culture, and that steps must be taken to
address the professional culture of the Voting Section and the perception
that political or ideological considerations have affected important
administrative and enforcement decisions there.”
Maybe. If not, then we should consider more radical solutions. Because, if
the people charged with maintaining a level playing field can’t keep the
peace, what hope is there for anyone else?
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