[EL] IRS: transcript of Lerner's remarks

BZall at aol.com BZall at aol.com
Sat May 11 11:24:25 PDT 2013

Just to clarify: the term "Advocacy Project" was not the name of the  
organization whose 1024 I discussed. It is the phrase used by the IRS  employees 
in the Project to whom I spoke and adopted after that by some  election 
lawyers. The anecdotal evidence, after discussion with lawyers on all  sides, 
seems overwhelmingly conservative organizations affected. Not just a  poor 
choice of words on Lois's part. 

Barnaby Zall 
Of Counsel 
Weinberg, Jacobs & Tolani,  LLP 
10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20817
301-231-6943  (direct dial) 
bzall at aol.com  
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In a message dated 5/11/2013 2:07:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mmcdon at gmu.edu writes:

Now that  a transcript has been released, an alternative reasonable 
interpretation is  that Lerner was speaking contemporaneously and gave two (poor) 
examples of  names that triggered classification for additional IRS review. 
If Lerner had  said "Progressive" along with "Tea Party" the outrage might 
have been muted.  Indeed, we now know that the two names mentioned by Lerner 
were not the only  ones to trigger review. Barnaby Zall provided an example 
of an organization  with the name "Advocacy Project" that also received 
heightened scrutiny.  

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