May 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed May 1 07:14:22 PDT 2013
Ending: Fri May 31 15:18:16 PDT 2013
Messages: 285
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/1/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] important 6th circuit opinion, disguised to look unimportant
Richard Winger
- [EL] Push polling
Smith, Brad
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/2/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/3/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Law-election Digest, Vol 25, Issue 3
Scott Swenson
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/4/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/6/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/7/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Collateral Damage to Gender Diversity in Government?
David A. Holtzman
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/8/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] comparative election law
Huefner, Steven
- [EL] Auto: Law-election Digest, Vol 25, Issue 8
jennie.bowser at
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/9/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/10/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] big IRS story
Rick Hasen
- [EL] IRS
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Do Tea Party Donors Need Socialist Workers?
Steve Hoersting
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/11/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] IRS: transcript of Lerner's remarks
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: Political Activity Law
Rick Hasen
- [EL] big IRS story - a note on taxes
Sean Parnell
- [EL] More (good and bad) on IRS EO "Advocacy Project"
BZall at
- [EL] AP claims report says IRS knew in 2011 that Tea Party was targeted
Joe La Rue
- [EL] When it rains, it pours: TIGTA report on targeting leaked
BZall at
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/12/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] The $45M Hiest from NYC ATMs
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 4/13/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] TIGTA Timeline Provides More Info on EO Decisions
BZall at
- [EL] more news 5/13/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] more IRS, etc.
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FEC background of IRS Director who disclosed the 501(c)(4) targeting
Scarberry, Mark
- [EL] Congress Put Pressure on the IRS to Investigate Conservative Tax-Ex
JBoppjr at
- [EL] (no subject)
Mark Jakubik
- [EL] listserv problem with AOL subscriptions
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/14/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] why seek c4 recognition?
Rick Hasen
- [EL] more news 5/14/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] great chart from IG Report
Rick Hasen
- [EL] IG report greatest hits
Rick Hasen
- [EL] It's About [Harassment], [Silly]
Steve Klein
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/15/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] The $45M Hiest (sic) from NYC ATMs
David Jefferson
- [EL] non-profit political activity and the IRS
Schultz, David A.
- [EL] IRS officials and appointments
Doug Hess
- [EL] more news 4/13/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] The $45M Heist from NYC ATMs - Hall
- [EL] IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row: Taxes
Michael P McDonald
- [EL] Acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller resigns
John Pomeranz
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/16/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] 501(c)(4)'s and "exclusively"
Ellen Aprill
- [EL] Schmidt and Klein
Smith, Brad
- [EL] more news 5/16/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] The $45M Heist from NYC ATMs - Cushman
- [EL] Another IRS misstep?
Allen Mattison
- [EL] contributions by foreign nationals to state/local ballot issue committees
Mark McGinnis
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/17/13
Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Election law academic update
Rick Hasen
- [EL] more news 5/17/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Just treat PACs and c4s like c3s(?)
Thomas J. Cares
- [EL] message from Donald Tobin
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Michigan wins case over law barring priests from telling voters how to vote
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/19/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Interesting example of disclosure's effect on potential donors
Sean Parnell
- [EL] ELB New and Commentary 5/20/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] IRS probe ignored most influential groups
John Pomeranz
- [EL] Rudimentary 501(c)(4) question
Marty Lederman
- [EL] more news 5/20/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/21/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] corrected link
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Washington Post live blog of Senate Finance Hearing on IRS Mess
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Bauer-Ginsberg/more news 5/21/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Visit Rebecca's CaringBridge site
Paul Lehto
- [EL] Rudimentary 501(c)(4) question "primary"
Tobin, Donald
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/22/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] US Dist Court ruling against at-large elections, Fayette Co., Georgia
Richard Winger
- [EL] more news 5/22/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: IRS Backgrounder Memo
Rick Hasen
- [EL] US Supreme Court June 6 conference date for Calif. election law case
Richard Winger
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/23/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] legislation news 5/23/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/24/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/26/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Auto: Law-election Digest, Vol 25, Issue 24
wendy.underhill at
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/28/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fwd: PDF of Tempest in a Tea (Party) Teapot
Frank Askin
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/29/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Quote of the day
Smith, Brad
- [EL] Libertarian Party wins ballot access case in 4th circuit
Richard Winger
- [EL] What if Bachmann resigns?
Schultz, David A.
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/30/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ruling in Wisconsin voter id case
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/31/13
Rick Hasen
- [EL] federal contractor contribution ban case
Rick Hasen
Last message date:
Fri May 31 15:18:16 PDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Feb 16 23:31:50 PST 2016
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