[EL] IRS officials and appointments

Lloyd Mayer lmayer at nd.edu
Wed May 15 12:12:28 PDT 2013

My recollection, confirmed by a 2012 CRS report on Presidential Appointee Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation, is that only the IRS Commissioner (five-year term) and the IRS Chief Counsel are appointed by the President.  I should note that the IRS Chief Counsel's office is outside of the actual IRS and the IRS Chief Counsel reports to both the Commissioner and the Secretary of the Treasury.  The President also appoints seven part-time members of the IRS Oversight Board (five year terms).  Finally, the President appoints the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as well as the general Treasury Inspector General.  

Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
Professor of Law & Associate Dean
Notre Dame Law School
P.O. Box 780
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0780
campus address:  1106 Eck Hall of Law
(574) 631-8057/cell:  (574) 598-0740/fax: (574) 631-4197
Web Bio: http://law.nd.edu/directory/lloyd-mayer/
SSRN Author Page: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=504775

-----Original Message-----
From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of Doug Hess
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 3:03 PM
To: Election Law
Subject: [EL] IRS officials and appointments

Who at the IRS, if anybody, is appointed by a president? What about the OIG that is issuing the report?

Douglas R. Hess, PhD
Washington, DC
ph. 202-277-6400
douglasrhess at gmail.com

Starting Aug. 2013:

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Grinnell College
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