[EL] The $45M Hiest from NYC ATMs
wjkellpro at aol.com
Wed May 15 11:05:59 PDT 2013
Prof Hoke would like to know about the finances for my California nonprofit, The Internet Voting Research and Education Fund. While that is a matter of easily accessible public record, everything anyone might want to know about it is discussed fully in the interview of me at, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1xUyBskiyU
Notice that I am not challenging David Jefferson's and Hoke's anti-Internet voting special interest group, The Verified Voting Foundation (VVF), to be equally forthcoming. That group has so much money it can afford to hire its own lobbyist from the K Street Super Lobbyist firm Patton Boggs, which specializes in soliciting grants of tax payer money. (As reported by Rick Hasen http://goo.gl/fb/j6STp) VVF has recently received $300,000 in just one grant (http://philanthropy.com/article/article-content/131598/) I understand that VVF also has a 501c4 organization, which enables them to keep their generous donors a secret. (Wish I could do that!)
I am an independent scholar who advocates that every voting jurisdiction in the US adopts its own Internet voting system, because that is a necessary first step towards democratizing our election process more than it has ever been done before. It can also help to democratize our legislative process just as dramatically. This vision, not money, moves me.
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.
Political Scientist, author, speaker,
CEO for The Internet Voting Research and Education Fund
Email: Internetvoting at gmail.com
Blog: http://tinyurl.com/IV4All
Twitter: wjkno1
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/william-j-kelleher-ph-d/9/466/687/
Author of Internet Voting Now!
-----Original Message-----
From: Candice Hoke <shoke at law.csuohio.edu>
To: wjk <wjkellpro at aol.com>
Cc: law-election <law-election at department-lists.uci.edu>
Sent: Tue, May 14, 2013 4:27 pm
Subject: Re: [EL] The $45M Hiest from NYC ATMs
Many -- though far from all-- of the Blog's election law scholars, journalists, lawyers and policymakers take it as a matter of ethics (if not legal compulsion) that those "research centers" and bloggers/commentators who are promoting and lobbying for particular legal policies or candidates disclose their financial contributors whose financial/business/electoral interests are implicated in the views they are promoting.
—> Applying that ethical principle here, Dr. Kelleher, has your Center, The Internet Voting Research and Education Fund, or yourself personally received financial support from any vendor or manufacturer of Internet voting systems, or from other entities having a financial interest in the whether jurisdictions authorize Internet voting?
This question includes funding from vendors/manufacturers who transmit monies via their philanthropic or nonprofit units.
By my lights, there's nothing wrong with your Center/you seeking and using funding to support your advocacy and research work. Research requires financial support.
But you owe the EL Blog and the larger public the information relevant to their judging the impartiality and objectivity of your presentations, outlined above. If a PharmaGiant pays for apparently independent research that concludes its miracle drug works miracles, the public -- and doctors and the FDA— have a need to know of that financial support. Similarly here, as you said,
If elite and public opinion are to be well informed,
With thanks in advance for your elucidation.
On May 14, 2013, at 3:55 PM, wjk <wjkellpro at aol.com> wrote:
The following is my rebuttal to David Jefferson's critique of my comments on Internet voting security vs. the Internet connections exploited in the heist.
Professor Candice Hoke
Law School
Cleveland State University
216 687-2313
shoke at law.csuohio.edu
Disclaimer: Any opinions I may have expressed are my own and do not reflect the positions of any university, State or Federal institutions, boards, or committees with which I may be affiliated, although I may wish that they did.
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