[EL] Rocky and Bullwinkle episode

Ellen Aprill ellen.aprill at lls.edu
Sun Mar 2 16:24:44 PST 2014

Can anyone point me to the actual tax episode that started this thread?  I
would really like to send it to everyone on the taxprof listserv.  I have
not been able to find it from the list of episodes or any other search I
have tried.

Any help most welcome!

  Ellen Aprill

Ellen P. Aprill
John E. Anderson Professor of Tax Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Gaddie, Ronald K. <rkgaddie at ou.edu> wrote:

>  David-
> The complete Rocky and Bullwinkle episode guide is on Wikipedia:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Rocky_and_Bullwinkle_episodes
> And you can find all the episodes on Vimeo:
> http://vimeo.com/62957027
> ~kg
>  Ronald Keith Gaddie, Ph.D.
>  Professor of Political Science
> The University of Oklahoma
>  General Editor, *Social Science Quarterly*
> Co-editor,
> *American Politics Research *
>      ------------------------------
> *From:* law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu [
> law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] on behalf of Schultz,
> David A. [dschultz at hamline.edu]
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 02, 2014 8:26 AM
> *To:* PSRT-L at H-NET.MSU.EDU; law-election at uci.edu
> *Subject:* [EL] Rocky and Bullwinkle episode
>   There is a classic Rocky and Bullwinkle or Fractured Fairy Tales
> Episode where an old US senator proposes a tax increase on people younger
> than a certain age and then it turns out that it is for people younger than
> him.  For those who misspent their youth in front of the tv like me, do you
> remember the episode or skit?  Can you help me find a link to it on the
> web?  Thanks.
> --
>  David Schultz, Professor
> Editor, Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE)
> Hamline University
> Department of Political Science
>  1536 Hewitt Ave
> MS B 1805
> St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
> 651.523.2858 (voice)
> 651.523.3170 (fax)
> http://davidschultz.efoliomn.com/
> http://works.bepress.com/david_schultz/
> http://schultzstake.blogspot.com/
> Twitter:  @ProfDSchultz
> My latest book:  Election Law and Democratic Theory, Ashgate Publishing
> http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9780754675433
> FacultyRow SuperProfessor, 2012, 2013
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