[EL] deadline approaching - Common Cause writing competition

Dan Vicuna DVicuna at commoncause.org
Thu Feb 5 11:49:54 PST 2015

We're thrilled to announce the judging panel for the Common Cause Democracy Prize Competition. As I've mentioned on this list, we are looking for academic papers creating a new definition for partisan gerrymandering or building on an existing proposal. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 27. Contest details are available at www.commoncause.org/gerrymanderstandard<http://www.commoncause.org/gerrymanderstandard> and in the flyer below. Here is our outstanding panel of judges:


Norm Ornstein - Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute

Dan Tokaji - Charles W. Ebersold and Florence Whitcomb Ebersold Professor of Constitutional Law and Senior Fellow for Election Law at The Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law

Judging panel

Jocelyn Benson - Dean of Wayne State University Law School; chair of Common Cause Michigan

Guy-Uriel Charles - Charles S. Rhyne Professor of Law; Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research; and founding director of the Duke Law Center on Law, Race and Politics at Duke Law School

Allison Hayward - Board member of the Office of Congressional Ethics; former Vice President of Policy at the Center for Competitive Politics and counsel to FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith

Derek Muller - Associate Professor at Pepperdine University School of Law

Dan Vicuna
National Redistricting Coordinator
Common Cause
Cell: (571) 218-6135
Twitter: @DanVicuna<https://twitter.com/danvicuna>


"Gerrymander Standard" Writing Competition
The Supreme Court has long suggested there is a limit for what is acceptable partisan gerrymandering, but like obscenity, so far the line is undefined and left to courts to know it when they see it. The Court has said that it is willing to hear constitutional challenges to partisan gerrymandering, but existing legal theories have been insufficient to empower citizens with the tools they need to overturn partisan gerrymanders in court. This is your chance to change that.
We are inviting legal and social science practitioners, scholars, and students to submit papers proposing a new definition of partisan gerrymandering or further developing an existing standard. Winning papers will be selected by a distinguished panel of democracy scholars.
Prizes will be as follows:
1st place - $5,000
2nd place - $3,000
3rd place - $2,000

[gerrymander-map]The top entries will also be published in Election Law Journal, the leading academic publication in the elections field. Common Cause will cover expenses for winners to travel to Washington, DC in the fall of 2015 to present their papers.
 How to Submit a Paper
For general information, please check out: www.commoncause.org/GerrymanderStandard<http://www.commoncause.org/GerrymanderStandard>.  Please review the 2015 "Gerrymander Standard" Writing Competition Submission Requirements <http://www.commoncause.org/issues/voting-and-elections/redistricting/contest-submission-details.pdf> before submitting your entry. Submissions must be sent to contest at commoncause.org<mailto:contest at commoncause.org> by Friday, February 27. Do not include any information identifying yourself in the paper. Include your name, phone number, and address only in the body of the cover email. Feel free to email us at contest at commoncause.org<mailto:contest at commoncause.org> with any questions.
Special thanks to our partner Election Law Journal.

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