[EL] Testing the Waters at an Early Age

Sai . sai at makeyourlaws.org
Sun Jul 26 06:48:21 PDT 2015

Technically, one does not have to be qualified to *become* president
to *run* for president. See e.g. the ~13yo kid who filed a candidacy
letter and is now permanently on the candidate list for ~2030 (I
forget exactly), and had to file a letter begging the FEC to please
let him shut down the committee so he wouldn't have to file reports
and all that.

Not something I'd do myself… buuuuut it makes me think that someone
could run serious and/or hilarious "campaigns" for e.g. a foreign
national, corporation, inanimate object, dead person, god, underage
person, or the like to become president.

Seems like a ripe opportunity for either satire or actually advocating
for a constitutional amendment to allow it. Or both. Properly set up,
the media would probably eat it up.

President, Make Your Laws PAC/C4/C3

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:31 AM, David A. Holtzman
<David at holtzmanlaw.com> wrote:
>    A Frank Bruni column in The New York Times, which ran last week on the
> page opposite an editorial quoting Rick Hasen, aids in understanding when
> one is “testing the waters” for political campaigns.
>    Of Scott Walker’s “perpetual candidacy,” Bruni writes, “I suspect that
> we’ll learn, with just a bit of digging, that he was mulling campaign
> slogans in the womb and ran his first race in the neighborhood wading
> pool....”
>   :-) dah
> --
> David A. Holtzman, M.P.H., J.D.
> david at holtzmanlaw.com
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