[EL] Testing the Waters at an Early Age

Sai . sai at makeyourlaws.org
Sun Jul 26 13:18:43 PDT 2015

Steve Kolbert pointed out (thanks!) that this has actually happened.


Alas, the local election officials said no:


… but as far as I can tell, they didn't litigate the issue. Pity. ;-)

Also, Kevin Greenberg corrected me re the kid: he's a candidate for
2048, not 2030.


I suppose one could try running ads for someone like Schwarzenegger or
Kozinski to contend that they should get to be president despite being

- Sai
President, Make Your Laws PAC/C4/C3

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Sai . <sai at makeyourlaws.org> wrote:
> Technically, one does not have to be qualified to *become* president
> to *run* for president. See e.g. the ~13yo kid who filed a candidacy
> letter and is now permanently on the candidate list for ~2030 (I
> forget exactly), and had to file a letter begging the FEC to please
> let him shut down the committee so he wouldn't have to file reports
> and all that.
> Not something I'd do myself… buuuuut it makes me think that someone
> could run serious and/or hilarious "campaigns" for e.g. a foreign
> national, corporation, inanimate object, dead person, god, underage
> person, or the like to become president.
> Seems like a ripe opportunity for either satire or actually advocating
> for a constitutional amendment to allow it. Or both. Properly set up,
> the media would probably eat it up.
> Sincerely,
> Sai
> President, Make Your Laws PAC/C4/C3
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:31 AM, David A. Holtzman
> <David at holtzmanlaw.com> wrote:
>>    A Frank Bruni column in The New York Times, which ran last week on the
>> page opposite an editorial quoting Rick Hasen, aids in understanding when
>> one is “testing the waters” for political campaigns.
>>    Of Scott Walker’s “perpetual candidacy,” Bruni writes, “I suspect that
>> we’ll learn, with just a bit of digging, that he was mulling campaign
>> slogans in the womb and ran his first race in the neighborhood wading
>> pool....”
>>   :-) dah
>> --
>> David A. Holtzman, M.P.H., J.D.
>> david at holtzmanlaw.com
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