[EL] more news 6/5/14
Rick Hasen
rhasen at law.uci.edu
Thu Jun 4 16:40:07 PDT 2015
Text of Hillary Clinton Voting Speech
Posted onJune 4, 2015 4:38 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73173>byRick Hasen
Well today, with the damage to the Voting Rights Act so severe, the
need for action is even more urgent.
First, Congress should move quickly to pass legislation to repair
that damage and restore the full protections that American voters
need and deserve.
I was in the Senate in 2006 when we voted 98 to zero to reauthorize
the Voting Rights Act after an exhaustive review process.
There had been more than 20 hearings in the House and Senate
Judiciary Committees. Testimony from expert witnesses. Investigative
reports documenting continuing discrimination in covered
jurisdictions. There were more than 15,000 pages of legislative
record. Now that is how the system is supposed to work. You gather
the evidence, you weigh it and you decide. And we did 98 to nothing.
We put principle ahead of politics. That is what Congress needs to
do again.
Second, we should implement the recommendations of the bipartisan
presidential commission to improve voting. That commission was
chaired by President Obama’s campaign lawyer and by Governor Mitt
Romney campaign’s lawyer. And they actually agreed. These are
commonsense reforms, including expanding early, absentee, and mail
voting. Providing online voter registration. Establishing the
principle that no one should ever have to wait more than 30 minutes
to cast your vote.
Third, we should set a standard across our country of at least 20
days of early in-person voting everywhere—including opportunities
for weekend and evening voting. If families coming out of church on
Sunday before an election are inspired to go vote, they should be
free to do just that. And we know that early in-person voting will
reduce those long lines and give more citizens the chance to
participate, especially those who have work or family obligations
that make it difficult to get to the polls on Election Day.
It’s not just convenient—it’s also more secure, more reliable, and
more affordable than absentee voting. So let’s get this done.
And I believe we should go even further to strengthen voting rights
in America. So today I am calling for universal, automatic voter
registration. Everyone, every young man or young woman, in every
state in the union should be automatically registered to vote when
they turn 18—unless they actively choose to opt out. But I believe
this would have a profound impact on our elections and our
democracy. Between a quarter and a third of all eligible Americans
remain unregistered and therefore unable to vote.
And we should modernize our entire approach to registration. The
current system is a relic from an earlier age. It relies on a
blizzard of paper records and it’s full of errors.
We can do better. We can make sure that registration rolls are
secure, up to date, and complete. When you move, your registration
should move with you. If you are an eligible vote and want to be
registered, you should be a registered voter—period.
Now, Oregon is already leading the way modernizing its system, and
the rest of the country should follow. The technology is there.
States have a lot of the data already. It’s just a matter of syncing
and streamlining.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
“The Money in Politics in Big Sky Country”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 4:26 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73171>byRick Hasen
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy blogs.
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>,campaigns
“Clinton Rips GOP On Voting Rights While Calling For Universal Voter
Registration” <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73168>
Posted onJune 4, 2015 3:33 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73168>byRick Hasen
TPM. <http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/hillary-clinton-voting-laws>
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
Will Hillary Clinton Call on NY and PA to Adopt 20 Days of Early
Voting for 2016? <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73166>
Posted onJune 4, 2015 2:04 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73166>byRick Hasen
Why not? It would be a great idea.
Posted inUncategorized <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>
Automatic Universal Voter Registration, Especially of 18-Year-Olds,
is a GREAT Idea <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73163>
Posted onJune 4, 2015 1:18 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73163>byRick Hasen
Here’s what I wrote
the idea in 2008 (expanded on in my 2012 book,The Voting Wars)
The solution is to take the job of voter registration for federal
elections out of the hands of third parties (and out of the hands of
the counties and states) and give it to the federal government. The
Constitutiongrants Congress wide authority
congressional elections. The next president should propose
legislation to have the Census Bureau, when it conducts the 2010
census, also register all eligible voters who wish to be registered
for future federal elections.*High-school seniors could be signed up
as well so that they would be registered to vote on their
18**^th**birthday*. When people submit change-of-address cards to
the post office, election officials would also change their
registration information.
This change would eliminate most voter registration fraud.
Government employees would not have an incentive to pad registration
lists with additional people in order to keep their jobs. The system
would also eliminate the need for matches between state databases, a
problem that has proved so troublesome because of the bad quality of
the data. The federal government could assign each person a unique
voter-identification number, which would remain the same regardless
of where the voter moves. The unique ID would prevent people from
voting in two jurisdictions, such as snowbirds who might be tempted
to vote in Florida and New York. States would not have to use the
system for their state and local elections, but most would choose to
do so because of the cost savings.
There’s something in this for both Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats talk about wanting to expand the franchise, and there’s no
better way to do it than the way most mature democracies do it: by
having the government register voters. For Republicans serious about
ballot integrity, this should be a winner as well. No more ACORN
registration drives, and no more concerns about Democratic
secretaries of state not aggressively matching voters enough to
motor vehicle databases.
Finally, universal voter registration is good for the country, not
only because it will make it easier for those who wish to vote to do
so, but because it should end controversy over ballot integrity that
threatens to undermine the legitimacy of our election process. If
President McCain or Obama makes this a priority, we can have the
system ready in time for the president’s re-election.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
“Hillary leans hard into the battle over voting”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 1:13 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73161>byRick Hasen
Greg Sargent
“There’s a good policy reason why Clinton might support universal
voting, but there’s also a good political reason,” Rick Hasen, a
voting law expert, tells me. “These are issues that motivate the
Democratic base. Talking about Republicans suppressing the vote gets
Democrats excited, just like talking about voter fraud motivates
Indeed, Clinton’s proposal today seems likely to draw opposition
from conservatives and Republicans. For one thing, they would
probably seize on the chance to attack her for favoring another
government mandate and federal encroachment on states, and also to
argue that government mandated registration could produce other
types of fraud. The Clinton camp will probably try to pitch this
proposal — and her push for more voting access in general — in a way
that rebuffs GOP efforts to turn independents against it, casting it
as key to maintaining the integrity of the process.
For another thing,as Hasen has noted elsewhere
the battle over voting access revolves around a much deeper dispute,
in which some opponents of increased access have explicitly argued
that making voting harder actually leads not only to less voter
fraud but to more informed choices.
“There are two ways of thinking about voting,” Hasen tells me. “The
first, which is associated with conservatives, is that voting is
about choosing the best candidate. If you take that view, you might
want restrictions that winnow out uninterested or uneducated voters.
Democrats and liberals are more likely to take the second view —
that we should all have an easy way to vote and share in political
That seems like an argument the Clinton campaign might want to have.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
“Hillary Clinton Pushes for Universal Voter Registration”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 1:10 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73159>byRick Hasen
Bloomberg reports.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
“Poll: 8-in-10 back voter ID” <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73156>
Posted onJune 4, 2015 1:00 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73156>byRick Hasen
TheWashington Examine
reports on aRasmussen poll,
also appears to have polled on the one person, one vote issue
in/Evenwel/. I have not seen the full results or crosstabs of the poll,
however, which are only available to subscribers.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
Quote of the Day: Celebrity Justice Division
Posted onJune 4, 2015 12:50 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73154>byRick Hasen
“Nino Scalia, at one point, was hounded by me on one case and Ruth
on another,” Sotomayor recounted. “And he looked at me and he said,
‘you know why I love you? You are a bulldog. You put your head down
and push right in. She yaps at me.’
Justice Sotomayor
speaking at an ABA meeting.
Posted inCelebrity Justice <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=109>,Supreme
Court <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=29>
Watch Hillary Clinton’s Voting Rights Speech
Posted onJune 4, 2015 12:49 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73152>byRick Hasen
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,The Voting Wars
“Democrats’ Supreme Court Litmus Test: Citizens United”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 12:48 pm
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73150>byRick Hasen
Sahil Kapur writes
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>,Supreme
Court <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=29>
“How Jeb Bush’s Presidential Announcement Will Change His Money
Game” <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73148>
Posted onJune 4, 2015 11:47 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73148>byRick Hasen
Shane Goldmacher
National Journal.
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>,campaigns
“Dispute over ‘dark money’ oversight escalates”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 10:14 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73146>byRick Hasen
The latest
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>
“Jan Brewer Following The Money After Stint As Arizona Governor; As
Gov, She Directed $3.3M To Law Firm That Now Hires Her”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 10:13 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73144>byRick Hasen
Arizona’s Politics:
There is a goodarticle in the Arizona Republic
<http://bit.ly/1eQjC5p>today updates readers on former Governor Jan
Brewer getting used to being out of the public eye, and getting
hired by a national law firm. The article quotes Joe Kanefield – the
“attorney and longtime Brewer adviser”.* And, the article discusses
some of the interesting ethical and lobbying issues presented by
Brewer’s new career.
What the article does NOT touch on is the Governor’s relationship
with Ballard Spahr** WHILE she was Arizona’s Governor. Her new
employer was one of the two law firms that most benefited from her
term as Governor, billing the State of Arizona approximately $3.3
million in the last 3 1/2 years of Brewer’s governorship.
Update: The headline of the Arizona’s Politics post has beenupdated
this responseposted
Posted inlobbying <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=28>
“First Person Singular: Tammy Patrick Traveling the country,
listening to elections folks and some music”
Posted onJune 4, 2015 10:11 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=73142>byRick Hasen
That’s the lead story in this week’sElectionline Weekly.
Posted inelection administration
<http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=18>,election law biz
Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu
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