[EL] Democracy related online groups directory? DC gathering next Tuesday Dec 6

Steven Clift slc at publicus.net
Thu Dec 1 13:51:05 PST 2016

I am hosting a gathering next week about how to better e-network the global
democracy building community.

I know of this great e-list, FOI-L, the NCDD elist as well. The
tech-oriented open government crowd is well e-networked as well and the
participatory budgeting folks do it as well.

But when it comes to the many silos of democracy-related areas of work, we
are missing similar open online networks.

OR are we? Correct me if I am wrong and share other related online networks
I've missed.

And taking this a step further, while there are lots of networks within
various countries, opportunities for global e-exchange among
democracy/civic engagement "builders" and experts across borders seems to
be missing.

So, on that note, if you are interested, see my 1 event on the list in DC
next week and come on along.

Steven Clift

3 DC Events - Global Democracy Networking, Local-up Facebook Groups, Civic
Tech Happy Hour - Tue Dec 6

Thanks to our awesome digital democracy supporters out there, I am
able to host three engaging small gatherings next Tuesday during a
quick trip to DC.

Please share this with your DC-area contacts interested in all things
civic tech, open government, civic engagement and more. Come on along.

 All Events - Tuesday Dec 6, 2016:

** Digitally Networking Democracy Builders Globally? A Conversation

     9:30 - 11 AM
     Info/RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1825880037625153/
     Hosted at NDI - National Democratic Institute

** Local-up? Digital Bridges for American Communities Brown Bag

     12 Noon - 2 PM
     Info/RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1681899672124715/
     Lake Research Partners, 1101 17th St, NW Suite 301

** OpenGov Civic Tech Facebook Group Happy Hour

     5 - 8:00 PM
     Info/RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1194660773961648/
     James Hoban Bar, Dupont Circle

Each link above has extended details. In summary:

1. The morning gathering is about sharing the secret sauce from 24 x 7
"e" knowledge sharing within the niche open gov/civic tech crowd with
the broader and global democracy/civic engagement community that is so
poorly e-networked in comparison. The geeks are getting it right, but
how can we extend that?

2. The brown bag lunch (aka bring a sandwich) session is a strategic
conversation about using social media post-election in the US to
connect people across the partisan divide with a strategic local-up
twist. Over a dozen volunteers responded to my post-election call -
http://po.st/localupfacebook - to create new city-wide civic life
Facebook Groups adapting the long-time E-Democracy online town hall
model - http://e-democracy.org/if - to a new platform. What should we
do next? How do we support these volunteers and position these local
online town halls to spread across hundreds of cities? Contact me to
volunteer for your city: clift at e-democracy.org  Put "Local Facebook
Group - Your City" in the subject. We must counter the "virtual civil
war" - https://medium.com/@democracy -  now before it destroys our
democracies and this is one small way I hope to be part of the
solution with others. If we can't better connect via social media on
public issues starting locally with more civility, then we are
absolutely screwed as a nation on national issues in the digital era.

3. Social time. For those DC area Open Government and Civic Technology
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/opengovgroup -
members NOT in Paris at the OGP Summit, let's just have some french
fries and French wine instead. :-)  The Facebook Group is approaching
6400 members from well over half the countries in the world. If you
have ideas on who might fund a strategic outreach campaign to bring it
to 16,000 members, let me know. This group delivers quality knowledge
exchange every day. Let's drink to that!

Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy.org
   clift at e-democracy.org  -  +1 612 234 7072
   @democracy  -  http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
   http://1radionews.com - My radio app
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