[EL] race

Derek Muller derek.muller at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 10:32:15 PST 2016

A rather sensible proposal from Senator Orin Hatch a decade ago was the
most recent serious attempt to amend the Constitution:

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 5:51 PM, RuthAlice Anderson <
ruthalice.anderson at comcast.net> wrote:

> Cycling back to my question about Cruz, I wanted to share this from Dylan
> Matthews at Vox. While I would never vote for Cruz, I do think the whole
> idea that anyone’s birthplace is a disqualification bothers me. I remember
> the Republicans kicking this idea around after Gray Davis was recalled. Is
> the idea completely dead now?
> http://www.vox.com/2016/1/10/10738800/natural-born-citizen
> It is absolutely scandalous and ridiculous that American immigrants can't
> become president
> I don't care if Ted Cruz is a natural-born citizen, and neither should you.
> Nor, more pertinently, should Nancy Pelosi
> <http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/07/politics/nancy-pelosi-ted-cruz-birthplace/>
> , Josh Earnest
> <http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2016-01-06/earnest-would-be-ironic-if-gop-picks-canadian-born-cruz>
> , John McCain
> <http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/john-mccain-i-dont-know-if-cruz-is-eligible-for-presidency-w#.up75eYE4g>
> , Donald Trump
> <http://www.vox.com/2016/1/7/10730150/ted-cruz-citizenship-mccain-trump>,
> or any number of other public figures who've decided to make an issue out
> of the fact that Ted Cruz — the son of an American citizen and as such almost
> certainly a natural-born citizen
> <http://www.vox.com/2015/3/23/8275573/ted-cruz-canada> — was born in
> Canada. They all have their own motivations. For Democrats like Pelosi and
> Earnest, it's a chance for revenge after years of birtherism targeting
> Barack Obama. For McCain, it's a chance to elbow a super-annoying Senate
> colleague, and for Trump it's just brilliant campaigning
> <http://www.vox.com/2016/1/7/10730150/ted-cruz-citizenship-mccain-trump>.
> But birtherism conversations usually leave unquestioned the premise that
> not being a natural-born citizen should disqualify someone from the
> presidency. Sure, it's a constitutional requirement. But the Constitution
> is a decrepit 229-year-old political compromise that can and should be
> changed, and the natural-born citizen requirement is among its stupider
> provisions.
> and it continues…..
> On Jan 7, 2016, at 7:26 PM, Craig Holman <holman at aol.com> wrote:
> In response to Ruthalice's question, the answer is not so justifiably
> complicated as Ilya attempts to suggest. The answer is simple, and lacks
> justification -- as I suspect Ruthalice understood when she asked the
> rhetorical question.
> Craig Holman, Ph.D.
> Government Affairs Lobbyist
> Public Citizen
> 215 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
> Washington, D.C. 20003
> T-(202) 454-5182
> C-(202) 905-7413
> F-(202) 547-7392
> Holman at aol.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ilya Shapiro <IShapiro at cato.org>
> To: RuthAlice Anderson <ruthalice.anderson at comcast.net>
> Cc: law-election <law-election at uci.edu>
> Sent: Thu, Jan 7, 2016 07:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [EL] ELB News and Commentary 1/7/16
> This is actually a fairly technical question of statutory law. Where Obama
> was born (Hawaii) matters because his mom was so young when she had him. I
> published this oped in the Daily Caller (fertile territory for Trumpistas,
> I'm told) two years ago:
> http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/yes-ted-cruz-can-be-president
> Ilya Shapiro
> Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies
> Cato Institute
> 1000 Mass. Ave. NW
> Washington, DC 20001
> Tel. 202-218-4600
> Cel. 202-577-1134
> www.cato.org/people/shapiro.html
> twitter.com/ishapiro
> On Jan 7, 2016, at 6:55 PM, RuthAlice Anderson <
> ruthalice.anderson at comcast.net> wrote:
> Regarding Muller’s article on Cruz’s eligibility, while I personally
> believe he is eligible and would be happy to have an amendment allowing
> naturalized citizens such as Arnold Schwartzeneggar also be allowed to
> run (as was once a popular idea on the right before he lost his luster).
> I am baffled that so much was made of Obama’s eligibility while so little
> is made of Cruz’s situation. After all, no one disputes Obama’s mother was
> an American citizen. Meanwhile, many asserted he was born in Kenya so
> therefore ineligible, but why would Kenya be more disqualifying than
> Canada?
> The argument defending his eligibility was that he was born in Hawaii,
> hence all the birth certificate nonsense.
> The plurality of opinion at that time seemed to be if Obama were not born
> in Hawaii, if his birth certificate was fake, then he would be ineligible.
> That was presented as given in the media. So what has changed in eight
> years?
> Derek Muller: Who Decides If Ted Cruz is Eligible to Be President?
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/avndxMOczhJ5xZdd6VEVhvdTdETojjhpsKMrhKMCCyOU-YrhKMCCyOVtYSztxdd5AQsKe6Vk9WJadglrpRU02rJIWY01dF_HLLefZvC7Qn7DA-LsKCC-DNEVpuKZtDG8FHnjlKOVOEuvkzaT0QSyrhhdTVyVEVvv76zBNMQsCXCM0vD_qsGMfQMgfGhU03x9oUsYed7a9I_j1vP_Jelo5O5mUm-wagZroPl-4OVYGjFPtFtW3pJdBdxYS2_id41Fr6wGqnjh0d1kpd40cYNgQgr10Qg2lllvxfoBzh0zwX4n3r9EVd-lt8tdec>
> Posted on January 7, 2016 10:27 am
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/FZsSd20O939J5xZdd6VEVhvdTdETojjhpsKMrhKMCCyOU-YrhKMCCyOVtYSztxdd5AQsKe6Vk9WJadglrpRU02rJIWY01dF_HLLefZvC7Qn7DA-LsKCC-DNEVpuKZtDG8FHnjlKOVOEuvkzaT0QSCrhhdTVyVEVvv76zBNMQsCXCM0vD_qsGMfQMgfGhU03x9oUsYed7a9I_j1vP_Jelo5O5mUm-wagZroPl-4OVYGjFPtFtW3pJdBdxYS2_id41Fr6wGqnjh0d1kpd40cYNgQgr10Qg2lllvxfoBzh0zwX4n3r9EVdKsSi2-ulTdgr>
>  by Rick Hasen
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/1jWVIg41Aq4zqb3WqqdPhOy-rKrhKMCCyOVtwSztxdd5BNZUSztxdd5BOXVJ6X2qqb9EVssdOEjRqkqwGSPHM04TrpRU02rj_nvusvW_cfEKff9ZuVtddZfzhOOZtWXfkhjmKCHtBPBgY-F6lK1FJASyyrLP5PhO--ed7bzxEVdTdw0_f-QVlwvFwwvkzM072mJP9RysOrfQMnY_XjBm1sxlK5LE2AfmScRvxcKvaAWsTqnuwSrjpjovdwLQzh0qmNEaCBQQg3gl6jh03fckd46Mgd40BllnUjS9oQg8UeN5MSOqejrGx8Eufsyi2M>
> Here’s a deep dive guest post from Derek Muller
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/avndzgQrhovjjhKqeknPtPqdS4QQmnbI6QrI9FEIKfL6QrI9FEIKnvdETojjhpd7bzxKl2uHizk5mStu00CXreL00jqvWXXPz_nVxZ5NVVfHTbFFLFYqemnHLnpWyaqRQRrIKsG7DR8OJMddI6Qkjt-oKqenTNNEVssd79KVIDeqR4IM_j7buIJYk9g_LgrNTrdDPb5U_jZzoDzKSrfCmMAXJCPVBzAfzVkllrff-9I_j1vP_Jelo5O5mUm-wagZroPl-4OVYGjFPtFtW3pJdBdxYS2_id41Fr6wGqnjh0d1kpd40cYNgQgr10Qg2lllvxfoBzh0zwX4n3r9EVdT85NMth->
> :
> Earlier this week
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-cruzs-canadian-birth-could-be-very-precarious-for-gop/2016/01/05/5ce69764-b3f8-11e5-9388-466021d971de_story.html>,
> Donald Trump suggested that Ted Cruz’s Canadian birthplace could be a
> problem in the event he became the Republican presidential nominee. He
> followed that up with a call for Mr. Cruz to seek a declaratory judgment
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/FZsSd2gA86Qm7QQQrCzB5YTsSztxdd5BOX1J6X2qqbbzXNJ6X2qqbbBTPqdS4QQmjhOUUrBgDGQER1lJDnw09KSPHM04SD-K-YU_R-ovhsuujWZOWqrWv6zBBWXRSuEyCJtdmXbDaxVZicHs3jrVJ54TvCbCzBZYsqen73hOrKr01m8kxVyDbV3P5cD5JloLG1ClfEnJ5IkbPGnIvIpeByVel2YdCT7jOV2Io5XiD8k-52sByYE5Xlrzf3p-C2_D_qsGMbAaJMJZ0kxWSNCHY9BPVkDjCXiXQ6Pqrar3VI5-Aq83iSd1kQKCy0q2EOq80pVyxEwS21Ew4GGG_2uNb6y171S8K6SjhOrmKraH-oBsJ9>
>  in court that he is a “natural born Citizen” and eligible to serve as
> president.
> There is little dispute on the facts. Mr. Cruz was born to a Cuban father
> and an American mother in Canada. Aaron Blake at the *Washington Post* helpfully
> compiles
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/03/23/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-ted-cruz-birther-movement/>some
> of the historical disputes about natural-born citizens, including recent
> commentary by Neal Katyal and Paul Clement in the Harvard Law Review Forum,
>  *On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen.”*
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/FZsSd6Qm7QQQrCzB5YTsSztxdd5BOX1J6X2qqbbzXNJ6X2qqbbBTPqdS4QQmjhOUUrBgDGQER1lJDnw09KSPHM04SD-K-YU_R-ovhsuujWZOWqrWv6zBBWXRSuEyCJtdmXbDaxVZicHs3jrxJ54TvCbCzBZYsqen73hOrKr01AZypSa1-C8-pBVzw0e9ThvOXelwnCjYKH-MB0ynGWnxISUWun8lz0LqkV2DMMSvFwLV_SDaI2V2Hsbvg58uJIpG_2ps-l9QVKQKZ1ISCOCM-r1vF6y0QJzgldbFEw6wGcCy06uoEq8dwwq81aGGLMDIiNEwhMtybxJAQsCMzOTKqnT>
> This is a dispute on the merits—Mr. Trump now suggesting that Mr. Cruz is
> not eligible, Mr. Cruz insisting that he is eligible, and a question as to
> who is right. Consensus suggests Mr. Cruz is eligible, and the consensus
> offers quite a strong argument, but it is certainly not unanimous.
> But there is an even deeper question that is often unexamined in this
> dispute—*who gets to decide* whether Mr. Cruz is eligible? A court?
> Professor Dan Tokaji has many thoughts on the most pressing barrier to such
> challenges, justiciability
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/1jWVIi3wUSyM-CCzsQsELCXCQrI9FEIKnodETojjhpsvudETojjhpsK-rhKMCCyOqen73sG4ZmB6EaJIWY01dSStu00CQ_RTTD7-LP3WbzPOvnKnjjvjUQsILnuKPR4kRHFGTpsVkffGhBrwqr76Qkjt-oKqenTNNEVssd79KVI077RGQBeIiT7WoVJmlyvuwTw2opBVyRoj-4-0gBIpOIvVOdTxPgg15GMDUvcVk-8GX8SvFwLV_SDaI2V2Hsbvg58uJIpG_2ps-l9QVKQKZ1ISCOCM-r1vF6y0QJzgldbFEw6wGcCy06uoEq8dwwq81aGGLMDIiNEwhMtybxJAQsCU6qM40VN>
> .
> Continue reading →
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/k-Kr6zqb3WqqdPhOy-rKrhKMCCyOVtwSztxdd5BNZUSztxdd5BOXVJ6X2qqb9EVssdOEjRqkqwGSPHM04TrpRU02rj_nvusvW_cfEKff9ZuVtddZfzhOOZtWXfkhjmKCHtBPBgY-F6lK1FJUSyyrLP5PhO--ed7bzxEVdTdw0_f-QVlwvFwwvkzM072iNMVUsqekgclH7OUVUsqekjp-C2_D_qsGMbAaJMJZ0kxWSNCHY9BPVkDjCXiXQ6Pqrar3VI5-Aq83iSd1kQKCy0q2EOq80pVyxEwS21Ew4GGG_2uNb6y171S8K6SjhOrzNXMht9MVmR7>
> <share_save_171_16.png>
> <http://cp.mcafee.com/d/avndygw96Qm7QQQrCzB5YTsSztxdd5BOX1J6X2qqbbzXNJ6X2qqbbBTPqdS4QQmjhOUUrBgDGQER1lJDnw09KSPHM04SD-K-YU_R-ovhsuujWZOWqrWv6zBBWXRSuEyCJtdmXbDaxVZicHs3jpEVdEECXYNsQsLLzzhOUUqejtPpesRG9pxjJggDno5KnOxfo-1zsjPysVH3Sh0uCbzQNvP_Jelo7Wo87R8Y017FyUZAnm7IxMVUsqekmww29OCvVMtYvazQXzrpV_N7Iy0ZeU2AWzQXxTSAxZ1WtMRQuDs4-wfjK9hr51WtVk7FT6zV4p43_7FTDkuDspYuDsbh-AAfxcuObJ1048viQpbjBm1NI_j1vP_Jelo5O5mUm-wagZroPl-4OVYGjFPtFtW3pJdBdxYS2_id41Fr6wGqnjh0d1kpd40cYNgQgr10Qg2lllvxfoBzh0zwX4n3r9EVdGZIulJG-f8ol>
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