[EL] In brokered convention, can GOP nominate non-candidate?

Kogan, Vladimir kogan.18 at osu.edu
Tue Mar 8 06:06:51 PST 2016

Please excuse the self-promotion, but ranked-choice voting is not an “absolute” solution. It works only if voters are actually capable of ranking all of the alternatives. If not (which seems to be the case in most actual electoral settings), it can still result in elections being won with a mere plurality<http://u.osu.edu/kogan.18/files/2014/12/ElectoralStudies-2fupfhd.pdf> (not majority) of votes cast.

From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] On Behalf Of Thomas J. Cares
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 3:33 AM
To: Election Law
Subject: Re: [EL] In brokered convention, can GOP nominate non-candidate?

(It should also be noted that Bloomberg's fear of tilting things to Trump is another great reason why we need ranked choice voting. Plurality severely botches democracy, and its solvability is ABSOLUTE. I really hope those on this list would use their platforms in the election law profession to educate the public on the need for this upgrade. Perhaps those of you who have proven good at getting editorials published, could pen some on this.)

-Thomas Cares

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016, Thomas J. Cares <Tom at tomcares.com<mailto:Tom at tomcares.com>> wrote:
(I think the relevant portion starts at rule 40).

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016, Thomas J. Cares <Tom at tomcares.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','Tom at tomcares.com');>> wrote:
I was looking at the rules and it seemed unclear.

Can they nominate Bloomberg, for example, on a 2nd ballot.

If you ask me, they'd be smart to do so - might really save the trajectory of the party.

Thomas Cares



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