[EL] Is there a Google Sheet...
Benjamin Forest, Prof.
benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca
Thu Nov 8 20:26:08 PST 2018
I made three basic maps from these data, showing the percentage swing of Democratic seats in state Houses, Senates, and then combined. You can access them from this Dropbox folder:
These could be tweaked considerably, but since some seats are still undeclared, I went with a very straightforward presentation.
Benjamin Forest
McGill University
On Nov 8, 2018, at 7:50 PM, David <david.l.epstein at gmail.com<mailto:david.l.epstein at gmail.com>> wrote:
Here's a link to it. The data is from NCSL; I just downloaded it and cleaned it up.
The "Diff" sheet shows the changes in Dem seats in each chamber of each legislature, and it bears out my impression of what happened election eve. The Reps gained seats in 16 legislative bodies, in which they had a total increase of only 26 seats (so most pickups were only 1 seat).
On the other hand, the Dems picked up seats in 57 legislative bodies, for a total pickup of 281 seats. So a map of these changes would be almost entirely blue. (Perhaps someone could make this; if not, I'll try my hand.)
This is important not just for what it means now, but also because historically, large gains in state legislatures for one election presage bigger gains nation-wide in the next election. (There's a well-knows study of this effect in 1930/32 that I should try to look up.)
One caveat -- these data were downloaded last night, and there are probably updates to the many races listed as "u" for "undecided." If anyone has updates, or if any of my numbers are wrong, please let me know and I'll make the changes.
Benjamin Forest
Associate Professor | Professeur agrégé
Department of Geography | Département de géographie
Member, Centre for the Study | Chercheur, Centre pour l'étude de la
of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) | citoyenneté démocratique (CÉCD)
Associate Member, Department of | Membre associé, département de
Political Science | science politique
McGill University | Université McGill
Department of Geography | Département de géographie
805 Sherbrooke Street West | 805, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0B9 | Montréal (Quebec) H3A 0B9
Canada | Canada
Tel/Tél: 514-398-4953
Fax/Téléc: 514-398-7437
Email/Courriel: benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca<mailto:benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca>
Web: www.benjaminforest.info<http://www.benjaminforest.info>
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