[EL] Artificial Partisan Advantange in Redistricting
Michael Latner
mlatner at calpoly.edu
Sat Mar 2 14:36:17 PST 2019
The Gelman/King asymmetry measure is specifically designed to measure unequal treatment of voters, not disproportionality between party seat shares. Indeed, what is most useful about the measure relative to others is that it partitions responsiveness, disproportionality that results from the seat bonus of the largest party, from bias, disproportionality which results from the unequal treatment of voters, given their distribution across districts.
On 3/2/19, 12:00 PM, "Law-election on behalf of law-election-request at department-lists.uci.edu" <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu on behalf of law-election-request at department-lists.uci.edu> wrote:
[EL] Artificial Partisan Advantange in Redistricting
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