[EL] Models for local districting
Cover, Benjamin (bcover@uidaho.edu)
bcover at uidaho.edu
Sat Aug 29 17:03:52 PDT 2020
Hi all,
I'm looking for examples of good districting processes for local bodies like city councils, county commissions, or local school boards.
Until now, the Boise city council has used at-large elections. This past session, the Idaho legislature enacted a statute mandating districted elections for Boise city council. To implement this mandate, Boise needs to figure out how to district, including the composition, voting rules, and selection process for the districting body, and the substantive criteria and procedural requirements it will follow.
If there is a particular local districting body/process that you would recommend as a model for others to follow, I would appreciate your perspective.
Associate Professor of Law
University of Idaho College of Law
Office: ILJLC 320
bcover at uidaho.edu<mailto:bcover at uidaho.edu>
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514 W. Jefferson St. | Boise ID 83720 | United States
[University of Idaho]
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