[EL] SIGN ON: Coalition letter urging fixes to security flaws in Los Angeles' new publicly-owned voting system

D. A. Holtzman d at LAvoteFIRE.org
Fri Feb 21 21:48:59 PST 2020

Hi Trent,
Can you add in a fix for the concerns I raise here 
Covering and sealing the Poll Pass scanner lenses like SOS Padilla 
required for USB ports should do the trick.
(With a procedure for removing and replacing the seals, since workers 
will need to scan their own QR codes to start up and, when necessary, 
restart the BMDs.)
Please let me know.  - dah

On 2/21/2020 12:11 PM, Trent Lange wrote:
> Hello state and national partners and friends --
> As you've probably heard, California has just approved Los Angeles 
> County's new publicly-owned voting system in the March election.  
> Secretary of State Alex Padilla put important conditions on its 
> certification, but it still has serious security flaws:
>   * To submit their ballot, voters must put it back into the ballot
>     marking device (BMD), where it passes under the printhead which
>     gives hackers an opportunity to alter it. UC Berkeley Professor
>     Philip Stark, inventor of risk-limiting audits, called this a
>     "security fail".
>   * Votes are counted using QR codes that voters can't easily verify —
>     which Colorado's Secretary of State correctly banned because QR
>     codes are "potentially subject to manipulation".
>   * The optional paper ballots require voters to handwrite everything
>     — offices, candidates, etc. — which slows down voters and
>     introduces errors that may disenfranchise voters.
> Also, the source code has not yet been publicly disclosed as 
> open-source or otherwise, which was a requirement for using public 
> funds to develop it, further adding to concerns about a lack of 
> transparency and security.
> *Please let me know if you can sign on to the attached coalition 
> letter drafted by California Clean Money Campaign, National Election 
> Defense Coalition, and Free Speech for People *and signed by academic 
> election security experts like Drs. Phil Stark, Richard DeMillo, and 
> Doug Jones.
> This isn't just a California issue.  Many parts of the new system are 
> quite good, but because it will be held up as a model of a 
> publicly-owned voting system for the rest of the country, it's 
> especially important that not get final certification with security 
> flaws like being mechanically possible for hackers to alter verified 
> ballots and relying on QR codes to tabulate votes. _So please let me 
> know if you can sign on to the letter, either as an organization or 
> individual._
> Let me know if you have any questions,
> - Trent
> -- 
> Trent Lange, PhD
> President and Executive Director
> California Clean Money Campaign
> (310) 428-1556
> *Sponsor of AB 249, the /California DISCLOSE Act, now law!/*
> www.YesFairElections.org <http://www.YesFairElections.org>
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