[EL] COVID and student voting
Yael Bromberg, Esq.
ybromberg at bromberglawllc.com
Tue Sep 8 12:17:23 PDT 2020
Hi Vlad,
You've outlined many of the issues emerging on campuses in the lead-up to
the election.
On behalf of the Andrew Goodman Foundation, I teamed up with the Institute
for Democracy & Higher Education, and Campus Vote Project, to issue the
following Memorandum to Higher Ed Leaders:
Yael Bromberg, Esq.
Principal, Bromberg Law LLC
Chief Counsel for Voting Rights, The Andrew Goodman Foundation
On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 3:08 PM Kogan, Vladimir <kogan.18 at osu.edu> wrote:
> The *New York Times* had a nice article
> <https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/06/us/colleges-coronavirus-students.html>
> over the weekend documenting the big rise in COVID cases in college towns.
> Ohio State in many ways exemplifies this trend — just two weeks into the
> semester, we’ve already had 1,500 positive student tests
> <https://safeandhealthy.osu.edu/dashboard>, have more than 300 students
> living on campus in isolation, and found 10% positivity rates in random
> off-campus surveillance testing at the end of last week. (Much of it was
> predictable and avoidable: Our gyms are still open, with masks optional for
> “strenuous” exercise!)
> All of this raises what seems like unique logistical challenges for
> college students when it comes to voting this fall. Here are a few that
> come to mind:
> - Suppose students test positive shortly before the election, are told
> to go into isolation, and did not request a mail ballot? This is obviously
> not unique to students — are there are procedures in place for those
> confirmed to be COVID positive but still want to or have to vote in person?
> - What if students choose (or, as in our case, are “strongly
> encouraged” in order to preserve quarantine dorm space) to isolate at their
> permanent home address, but are registered to vote at their campus address?
> - What if universities suspend in-person teaching and send students
> home shortly before the election, but many students are registered to vote
> at their school address?
> Have any jurisdictions planned for these contingencies and are there any
> best-practices in place?
> Thanks!
> Vlad Kogan
> [image: The Ohio State University]
> *Vladimir Kogan*, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate
> Studies
> *Department of Political Science*
> 2004 Derby Hall | 154 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1373
> 510/415-4074 Mobile
> 614/292-9498 Office
> 614/292-1146
> http://u.osu.edu/kogan.18/
> kogan.18 at osu.edu
> [image: Twitter icon]@vkoganpolisci <https://twitter.com/vkoganpolisci>
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