[EL] COVID and student voting

larrylevine at earthlink.net larrylevine at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 8 12:24:52 PDT 2020

Here's a piece I did July 30 about How the Corona Virus Could Accidentally
Help Re-elect Trump.


Larry Levine 


From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> On Behalf
Of Kogan, Vladimir
Sent: Tuesday, 8 September 2020 12:07 PM
To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: [EL] COVID and student voting


The New York Times had a nice article
over the weekend documenting the big rise in COVID cases in college towns.
Ohio State in many ways exemplifies this trend - just two weeks into the
semester, we've already had 1,500 positive student tests
<https://safeandhealthy.osu.edu/dashboard> , have more than 300 students
living on campus in isolation, and found 10% positivity rates in random
off-campus surveillance testing at the end of last week. (Much of it was
predictable and avoidable: Our gyms are still open, with masks optional for
"strenuous" exercise!)


All of this raises what seems like unique logistical challenges for college
students when it comes to voting this fall. Here are a few that come to

*	Suppose students test positive shortly before the election, are told
to go into isolation, and did not request a mail ballot? This is obviously
not unique to students - are there are procedures in place for those
confirmed to be COVID positive but still want to or have to vote in person?
*	What if students choose (or, as in our case, are "strongly
encouraged" in order to preserve quarantine dorm space) to isolate at their
permanent home address, but are registered to vote at their campus address?
*	What if universities suspend in-person teaching and send students
home shortly before the election, but many students are registered to vote
at their school address?


Have any jurisdictions planned for these contingencies and are there any
best-practices in place?




Vlad Kogan


Vladimir Kogan, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Political Science

2004 Derby Hall | 154 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1373

510/415-4074 Mobile

614/292-9498 Office


 <http://u.osu.edu/kogan.18/> http://u.osu.edu/kogan.18/

 <mailto:kogan.18 at osu.edu> kogan.18 at osu.edu 

 <https://twitter.com/vkoganpolisci> @vkoganpolisci


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