[EL] one more item - NPV seeks ballot initiative in Michigan
sean at impactpolicymanagement.com
sean at impactpolicymanagement.com
Tue Sep 28 09:05:21 PDT 2021
I’ll avoid editorializing, and simply note that at least one more item of
interest to election law people occurred yesterday: the National Popular
Vote team is seeking to put the compact on the November 2022 ballot in
Michigan through the initiative process,
Sean Parnell
From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> On Behalf
Of Rick Hasen
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 11:41 AM
To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
From: Election Law Blog <rhasen at law.uci.edu <mailto:rhasen at law.uci.edu> >
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 8:32:01 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &
To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu <mailto:rhasen at law.uci.edu> >
Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
I am pleased to welcome to ELB Book Corner Victoria Nourse, writing about
her new book, The Impeachments of Donald Trump: An Introduction to
Constitutional Interpretation (West 2021). Here is the second of three
posts: In his book on… Continue reading
Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
awblog.org/?p=124785> ELB Book Corner: Victoria Nourse: “Impeachment and
Constitutional Argument”
awblog.org/?p=124901> “New poll: Californians are ready to change the recall
awblog.org/?p=124898> Upcoming Duke conference on “Redistricting and
American Democracy”
awblog.org/?p=124896> “Trump’s Tweets” Effects on Support for Mail Voting
during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
awblog.org/?p=124894> “Why Does Education Increase Voting? Evidence from
Boston’s Charter Schools”
awblog.org/?p=124892> “‘We won’: Trump and his allies barrel ahead with
election lies despite Arizona review confirming his loss”
awblog.org/?p=124890> “Politicians could exploit Twitter’s new safety tools
to silence critics, legal experts warn”
awblog.org/?p=124887> “California will now mail ballots to voters in all
elections, in permanent extension of pandemic-era practice”
awblog.org/?p=124884> “‘The Big Delete:’ Inside Facebook’s crackdown in
awblog.org/?p=124881> “The Jolt: Pro-Trump ticket won’t endorse Gov. Brian
Kemp, either”
awblog.org/?p=124879> “Texas GOP Protects Incumbents with New Map”
awblog.org/?p=124877> Guest Blogging This Week
awblog.org/?p=124873> Watch My Appearance on All in with Chris Hayes Talking
About the Danger of Election Subversion
awblog.org/?p=124871> Oct. 6 Virtual Lunch Talk: Disinformation in American
Elections Part I: Election Officials (with Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson and
Orange County Registrar Neal Kelley)
awblog.org/?p=124867> Rather Than Affirmatively Condemn John Eastman for
Trying to Steal the Election, the Federalist Society “Slow-Rolled” His
Departure So As to Not Look Pressured (According to David Lat)
awblog.org/?p=124864> Now Available: Full Video of the “Election Subversion:
Is American Democracy in Danger?” Conference Held Sept. 24 by UCI Law’s Fair
Elections and Free Speech Center
awblog.org/?p=124863> “Twenty-Third Amendment Problems Confronting District
of Columbia Statehood”
awblog.org/?p=124861> League of Women Voters amicus brief in New York State
Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen
ELB Book Corner: Victoria Nourse: “Impeachment and Constitutional Argument”
By Rick Hasen, September 28, 2021
I am pleased to welcome to ELB Book Corner
own.edu/faculty/victoria-nourse/> Victoria Nourse, writing about her new
2> The Impeachments of Donald Trump: An Introduction to Constitutional
Interpretation (West 2021). Here is the second of three posts: In his book
.org/?p=124785> Continue reading
“New poll: Californians are ready to change the recall process”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
ge-the-recall-process-1391402> Politico: The
es-On-The-Process-FINAL.pdf> poll released Thursday by UC San Diego’s
Yankelovich Center found more than two-thirds of the electorate back some
form of change, with 40 percent supporting “major” alterations — a 10-point
increase compared to the findings of a…
.org/?p=124901> Continue reading
Upcoming Duke conference on “Redistricting and American Democracy”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
Here is Duke’s press release, with information on how to attend virtually.
Jonathan Mattingly, referred to below, is one of the very best social
scientists who works on redistricting. We worked together on behalf of
Common Cause in the challenge…
.org/?p=124898> Continue reading
“Trump’s Tweets” Effects on Support for Mail Voting during the COVID-19
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
Press Release from the Election Law Journal: New Rochelle, NY, September 27,
2021 — Two surveys conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic showed that
support for vote by mail (VBM) fell sharply because Republicans became less
worried about catching COVID-19. As…
.org/?p=124896> Continue reading
“Why Does Education Increase Voting? Evidence from Boston’s Charter Schools”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
Here’s the abstract from a fascinating new NBER study by
ople/sarah_cohodes> Sarah Cohodes &
ople/james_feigenbaum> James J. Feigenbaum: In the United States, people
with more education vote more. But, we know little about why education
increases political participation or whether higher-quality…
.org/?p=124894> Continue reading
“‘We won’: Trump and his allies barrel ahead with election lies despite
Arizona review confirming his loss”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
1/09/27/politics/arizona-trump-election-lies/index.html> CNN: In the days
since the final report was released in Arizona last week,
cials/politics/president-donald-trump-45> Trump and his supporters have
ignored its topline result. Instead, they have insisted the review backed up
various conspiracy theories they have spent months…
.org/?p=124892> Continue reading
“Politicians could exploit Twitter’s new safety tools to silence critics,
legal experts warn”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
The Washington Post has this
ols-silence-critics-legal-experts-warn/> story: Twitter is testing a host of
new features the social network says will boost user safety on the platform,
but free speech advocates warn that the tools could be easily exploited by
government officials…
.org/?p=124890> Continue reading
“California will now mail ballots to voters in all elections, in permanent
extension of pandemic-era practice”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
>From the
tions-permanent-extension-pandemic-era-practice/> Washington Post: The
legislation permanently extends vote-by-mail provisions enacted in
California during the
ost.com/coronavirus/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5> coronavirus pandemic. Those
provisions were in place during the 2020 election as well as during this
month’s unsuccessful campaign to recall Newsom.Even though ballots…
.org/?p=124887> Continue reading
“‘The Big Delete:’ Inside Facebook’s crackdown in Germany”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
>From the AP: Days before Germany’s federal elections, Facebook took what it
called an unprecedented step: the removal of a series of accounts that
worked together to spread COVID-19 misinformation and encourage violent
responses to COVID restrictions.The crackdown, announced Sept.…
.org/?p=124884> Continue reading
“The Jolt: Pro-Trump ticket won’t endorse Gov. Brian Kemp, either”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
>From the
ther/X73RWL2K7NGBRAE45XDXMA2ELM/> Atlanta Journal Constitution: The internal
civil war puts the newly minted Trump Ticket — the three Georgia statewide
candidates endorsed by the former president — in a strange spot. Do they
agree with Trump’s assessment of Kemp,…
.org/?p=124881> Continue reading
“Texas GOP Protects Incumbents with New Map”
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
Political Wire: “Republicans spent tens of millions of dollars in 2020 to
keep Democrats from painting more of Texas blue. Now, the GOP is trying to
fireproof its districts with a
493f-8012-4ade59aebc34/download/planc2101.pdf> new map that contains the
suburban damage…
.org/?p=124879> Continue reading
Guest Blogging This Week
By Richard Pildes, September 28, 2021
I’ll be guest blogging this week (and started yesterday). I’ll have a few
things to say about what the recent German election and the Democratic Party
have in common, after I get posts out this morning collecting recent stories
.org/?p=124877> Continue reading
Watch My Appearance on All in with Chris Hayes Talking About the Danger of
Election Subversion
By Rick Hasen, September 27, 2021
You can watch
24-122144325710> here.
Oct. 6 Virtual Lunch Talk: Disinformation in American Elections Part I:
Election Officials (with Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson and Orange County
Registrar Neal Kelley)
By Rick Hasen, September 27, 2021
Join us for
ource=UCI+Law+Events#.YVJeakbMLuQ> this October 6 event, which is the first
in a three part lunch series on Disinformation in American Elections put on
by UCI Law’s Fair Elections and Free Speech Center. (Free registration
required): Fair Elections and…
.org/?p=124871> Continue reading
Rather Than Affirmatively Condemn John Eastman for Trying to Steal the
Election, the Federalist Society “Slow-Rolled” His Departure So As to Not
Look Pressured (According to David Lat)
By Rick Hasen, September 27, 2021
ck.com/p/trump-derangement-syndrome-4-leading> David Lat: I can also confirm
that, as recently discussed on
ehat/status/1441046909116768269> Twitter, Eastman is no longer the chair of
the Federalism and Separation of Powers practice group of the Federalist
Society, the powerful organization of conservative and libertarian…
.org/?p=124867> Continue reading
Now Available: Full Video of the “Election Subversion: Is American Democracy
in Danger?” Conference Held Sept. 24 by UCI Law’s Fair Elections and Free
Speech Center
By Rick Hasen, September 27, 2021
You can watch the video
/watch?v=YGsK0HrIbeM> at this link and below. The transcript won’t be
available until some time next week. It was a really deep and meaningful
discussion among some deep thinkers and scholars. I hope you will watch
.org/?p=124864> Continue reading
“Twenty-Third Amendment Problems Confronting District of Columbia Statehood”
By Derek Muller, September 27, 2021
I have
hood-derek-t-muller/> this piece over at the Harvard Journal of Law & Public
Policy‘s new online supplement, Per Curiam. It tracks testimony I gave
before the
e.gov/hearings/examining-dc-statehood> U.S. Senate Homeland Security &
Governmental Affairs Committee this summer. It argues that the…
.org/?p=124863> Continue reading
League of Women Voters amicus brief in New York State Rifle & Pistol
Association v. Bruen
By Derek Muller, September 27, 2021
The Supreme Court is set to hear a case involving gun rights and the Second
Amendment this term, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.
Over at SCOTUSblog, you can see the briefs in the case. One…
.org/?p=124861> Continue reading
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