[EL] Internet Voting in Canada

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joehall at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 04:47:54 PDT 2012

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Nichols, Susan <snichols at ncdoj.gov> wrote:
> They may return them by electronic transmission, including fax, or by mail. However, any ballots and related materials transmitted via email to the voter must be printed, marked, and scanned before they may be returned electronically. In other words, they can't be uploaded or voted over the Internet as perhaps has been done elsewhere.

The ballot is printed, marked and scanned... and then what happens to
the scanned file if it is not returned via the internet? Is the marked
ballot required to be returned by postal mail? There are a few classic
problems and challenges in internet voting methods, and fax/email
voting tend to be problematic for the same reasons (the classic
challenges being the public nature of the internet increases the
"attack surface" -- the number of people that can feasibly mount an
attack, the general insecurity of arbitrary client platforms (most all
lay users have malware on their machines) and the susceptibility of
voters to undue influence in unsupervised environments).

I'm glad that we're making our best efforts to enfranchise as many as
we can, but I'd like to see expedited physical return of voted ballot
materials (and I'm willing to say that some voters, such as sailors on
radio-silent nuclear submarines, will be disenfranchised no matter how
hard we try).

best, Joe


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