[EL] Fwd: The Electoral Integrity Project welcomes applications for 2016 visiting fellowship positions

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Tue Apr 21 18:20:42 PDT 2015

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	The Electoral Integrity Project welcomes applications for 2016 
visiting fellowship positions
Date: 	Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:31:47 +0000
From: 	Electoral Integrity Project <electoralintegrity at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	Electoral Integrity Project <electoralintegrity at gmail.com>
To: 	Richard <rhasen at law.uci.edu>

The Electoral Integrity Project welcomes applications for 2016 visiting 
fellowship positions
News from the Electoral Integrity Project - April 2015

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        The Electoral Integrity Project

We focus upon three issues:

  * /When do elections meet international standards of electoral
    integrity? /
  * /What happens when elections fail to do so?/
  * /And what can be done to mitigate these problems/?

    Call for submissions:
    Visiting fellowships 2016

Every semester EIP welcomes a number of senior scholars and graduate 
students. They join the project team at our offices based at the 
Department of Government and International Relations at the University 
of Sydney.

Visitors become part of our research team, work on data and 
publications, and spend a minimum of three months in one of Australia's 
most beautiful cities. Stipends are available for certain positions. We 
welcome applications for visits during the first semester of 2016. 
The application deadline is Tuesday 30 June 2015.

More information 

Apply online 

      New book: Contentious Elections

Recent decades have seen growing concern about controversial contests 
that end in a flurry of protests and violence. There have been growing 
attempts to understand the causes and consequences of contentious 
elections. It is timely to take stock of these developments.
This volume, based on an APSA workshop held in Chicago in August 2013, 
brings together a distinguished range of international scholars of 
international relations, comparative politics, and political behavior. 
Their chapters analyze new evidence; compare alternative theoretical 
frameworks used to explain the causes of contentious elections; and 
apply these insights to understand several cases and global comparisons.

/EIP's latest publication is out this April. Order via Routledge 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=e15ec48ccf&e=fdb46d906b> and 
*enter FLR40 for a 20% discount.*/

Order online 

      New connections: EIP visits the 2015 ECPR Joint Session & Asian
      Electoral Stakeholders Forum

EIP is very pleased to have many partners across the world, and 
our network is growing. Below are two highlights from last month's 

EIP participated in the2015 ECPR Joint Session 
one of the major annual events in political science. As part of a 
workshop titled “What Citizens want from democracy: popular attitudes to 
existing political processes and their alternatives 
Ferran Martínez i Coma 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=5e64fb5703&e=fdb46d906b> presented one 
of EIP's recent works in progress: “What citizens want from elections: 
explaining the ‘election deficit’”, co-authored with Pippa Norris 
The paper builds on the ‘democratic deficit’ argument to understand 
European expectations and evaluations of elections, as the core 
institutions linking citizens and the state. More here 

The EIP’s annual report 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=a28309d89c&e=fdb46d906b> was 
presented by Max Grömping 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=92c9bcf159&e=fdb46d906b> at 
the 2^nd Asian Electoral Stakeholders Forum 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=bd7bf6bfae&e=fdb46d906b> in 
Dili, Timor-Leste, on 18-19 March 2015. Jointly organized by the Asian 
Network for Free Elections (ANFREL), 
<http://electoralintegrityproject.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=816c3ae4a3e8057bc847fa0a5&id=d2a9740424&e=fdb46d906b> and 
the Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) 
the Forum brought together electoral management bodies, civil society 
groups and international assistance providers to discuss regional 
standards of electoral integrity and best practices of strengthening it. 
More here 

/The second Asian Electoral Stakeholder Forum, 18-19 March 2015, Dili, 
Timor-Leste //Photo source: ANFREL 









/Copyright © 2015 Electoral Integrity project, All rights reserved./
We send the monthly newsletter to colleagues interested in electoral 
integrity research.

*Our mailing address is:*
Electoral Integrity project
Department of Government and International Relations
Merewether Building H04
University of Sydney, NSW 2600

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