[EL] Creative, new ballot-marking errors

Jim Gardner jgard at buffalo.edu
Tue Dec 14 07:45:17 PST 2021

The Buffalo News has this story<https://buffalonews.com/news/local/government-and-politics/o-my-filling-in-candidates-middle-initial-changes-outcome-in-lewiston-race/article_53ed7cfc-5c41-11ec-8db8-3333746b06e4.html> on a close local race that turned on voters marking their scantron ballots by blackening a candidate's middle initial of "O" instead of the circle on the ballot intended for indicating one's choice.  Here's the ballot; the relevant race is in the last column on the right.  Not sure how you work your way from left to right blackening the correct circle and then do something different in the last column, but there you go.  "A foolish consistency," and all that.


[cid:image002.png at 01D7F0D7.AE050B40]

James A. Gardner
Bridget and Thomas Black SUNY Distinguished Professor of Law
Research Professor of Political Science
University at Buffalo School of Law
The State University of New York
Room 514, O'Brian Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
voice: 716-645-3607
fax: 716-645-2064
e-mail: jgard at buffalo.edu<mailto:jgard at buffalo.edu>
Faculty page: https://www.law.buffalo.edu/faculty/facultyDirectory/GardnerJames.html
Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=40126

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