June 2017 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jun 2 08:14:33 PDT 2017
Ending: Fri Jun 30 10:12:05 PDT 2017
Messages: 66
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/2/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] another Monday, another breaking SCOTUS NC ruling
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/5/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/6/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Looking for 2 sponsors for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Admission
Dana Cohn
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/7/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Kentucky campaign finance decision June 6, 2017
Richard Winger
- [EL] does anyone have a copy of filing today in US Supreme Court in Wisconsin gerrymandering case?
Richard Winger
- [EL] does anyone have a copy of filing today in US Supreme Court in Wisconsin gerrymandering case?
Barry Burden
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/8/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/9/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] call for information from election law academics re: tenure, promotion, awards, moves
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/12/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Fulton County E File
Robin Chand
- [EL] Fulton County E File
Richard Winger
- [EL] Here are links to Georgia pleading and order re: paper ballots
bev at blackboxvoting.org
- [EL] REMINDER DUE TODAY: Re: call for information from election law academics re: tenure, promotion, awards, moves
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB New and Commentary 6/13/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/14/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Mark Scarberry
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Bruce E Cain
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Mark Scarberry
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/14/17
Schultz, David A.
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Michael McDonald
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/15/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/16/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 5/16/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] US Supreme summary affirmance suggests Calif. can't make recall change immediate
Richard Winger
- [EL] how restrictive ballot access laws (relative to McMullin) probably elected Trump
Richard Winger
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Eric McGhee
- [EL] how restrictive ballot access laws (relative to McMullin) probably elected Trump
Thomas J. Cares
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Daniel A. Smith
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Eric McGhee
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Cover, Benjamin (bcover at uidaho.edu)
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Michael McDonald
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/19/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Order of a stay in Wisconsin partisan gerrymandering case
Josh Douglas
- [EL] Supreme Court will hear WI partisan gerrymandering claim
Rick Hasen
- [EL] STAY ISSUED in WI gerrymandering case, an hour after orders came out
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Justice Kennedy's Beauty Pageant
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Eric McGhee
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Mark Scarberry
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Paul Gronke
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Eric McGhee
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Mark Rush
- [EL] Gerrymandering, the wasted votes / efficiency method, and geographic concentration
Eric McGhee
- [EL] question on status of DNC v. RNC case on "ballot security" consent decree
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/20/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/21/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/21/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/22/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/23/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] shameless self-promotion Encyclopedia of Money in American Politics
Schultz, David A.
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/24/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/26/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/27/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/28/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/2917
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Seattle Vouchers
David Keating
- [EL] Seattle Vouchers
Rick Hasen
- [EL] ELB News and Commentary 6/30/17
Rick Hasen
- [EL] more news
Rick Hasen
- [EL] still more news 6/30/17
Rick Hasen
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 10:12:05 PDT 2017
Archived on: Fri Jun 30 10:12:11 PDT 2017
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