April 2022 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Apr 1 08:32:39 PDT 2022
Ending: Sat Apr 30 08:32:38 PDT 2022
Messages: 67
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] New York's congressional maps struck down
Chin, Andrew
- [EL] New York's congressional maps struck down
Mark Scarberry
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Paul S. Ryan to Funders' Committee for Civic Participation
pryan at funderscommittee.org
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Childism_Institute Colloquium: Childist Approaches to Law | April 29th 9-11a EDT via Zoom
Robin Chen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] US Dist Ct strikes down Iowa March petition deadline for indp, minor party candidates
Richard Winger
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Richard Winger
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Gregory Huber
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Douglas, Joshua A.
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Steve Klein
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Thessalia Merivaki
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Sylvia Albert
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Charles H Stewart
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Jonathan Robinson
- [EL] question about sources for state laws on who can get the list of registered voters
Thessalia Merivaki
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Harvard Election Law Clinic is hiring a Program Coordinator
Adam Harper
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] amicus filed in US Supreme Court highlights the Copenhagen Meeting Document
Richard Winger
- [EL] Abby Finkenauer wins Iowa Supreme Court ballot access ruling
Richard Winger
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Kelner, Robert
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] congressional bill for mandatory voting
Richard Winger
- [EL] Residency requirements in redistricting years
Adam Bonin
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Breaking: New York Appellate Court Holds NY’s Congressional Redistricting is a Partisan Gerrymander Violating the State Constitution, Gives Legislature Until April 30 to Draw a New Map
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Breaking: New York Appellate Court Holds NY’s Congressional Redistricting is a Partisan Gerrymander Violating the State Constitution, Gives Legislature Until April 30 to Draw a New Map
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] does anyone have case name & number for Az April 22 "insurrection" decision?
Richard Winger
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Kelner, Robert
- [EL] Ranked choice voting survey
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Douglas Carver
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Hersh, Eitan D
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rob Richie
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Jack Santucci
- [EL] if anyone wants it, this blog post now has a link to Az state court decision on qualifications and "insurrection"
Richard Winger
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rob Richie
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Kansas state trial court invalidates US House redistricting
Richard Winger
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Breaking: New York’s Highest Court, on 4-3 Vote, Strikes Down State’s Congressional Districting as Violating the State Constitution Because It Was Enacted with Partisan Intent; Special Master Will Draw the Lines
Rick Hasen
- [EL] Breaking: New York’s Highest Court, on 4-3 Vote, Strikes Down State’s Congressional Districting as Violating the State Constitution Because It Was Enacted with Partisan Intent; Special Master Will Draw the Lines
Pildes, Rick
- [EL] Breaking: New York’s Highest Court, on 4-3 Vote, Strikes Down State’s Congressional Districting as Violating the State Constitution Because It Was Enacted with Partisan Intent; Special Master Will Draw the Lines
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
- [EL] Breaking: New York’s Highest Court, on 4-3 Vote, Strikes Down State’s Congressional Districting as Violating the State Constitution Because It Was Enacted with Partisan Intent; Special Master Will Draw the Lines
Pildes, Rick
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
- [EL] This law would help protect US elections — so why won’t Republicans support it?
Doug Hess
- [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
Rick Hasen
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 08:32:38 PDT 2022
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 08:32:45 PDT 2022
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