Community Economic Development Clinic
Community Economic Development has emerged over the past quarter century as an important strategy for redressing urban poverty. A set of multi-disciplinary techniques, integrating aspects of corporate finance, social policy, infrastructure development, and community organizing are helping to create jobs, stimulate the development of affordable housing, and expand community-level services. The Community Economic Development addresses the role of lawyers in supporting CED efforts, combining live-client representation, in-class exercises and classroom study.
The clinic's latest report Unfinished Business: How Food Regulations Starve Sidewalk Vendors of Opportunity and What Can Be Done to Finish the Legalization of Street Food (released August 2021) is now available.
Read the report.
In the Fall of 2019, a team of students in the CED Clinic collaborated with Strategic Action for a Just Economy (SAJE) and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) to produce a report on vacancy in Los Angeles and how it is contributing to the housing crisis.
Read the report.