
NOTE TO UCLA COMMUNITY (current students, staff and faculty only): In lieu of visiting, we offer a walk-in pickup service for Law Library print materials. To place your request for materials you'd likes us to retrieve and hold for you, visit Be sure to use your @ucla email address as the service is restricted to the UCLA community.

PLEASE NOTE: The full suite of Library services for the UCLA School of Law Community is detailed on MyLaw (login required).

Request Materials & Services

  • Interlibrary Loan Service

    The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables UC students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials that are not available at UCLA libraries from other libraries, both in this country and abroad. The service is free to eligible borrowers. PLEASE NOTE: The Law Library processes Interlibrary Loan Requests for UCLA Law Students, Staff and Faculty only. Other UC users should visit the Library System's ILL pages.

  • Document Delivery Services

    The Law Library offers document delivery services for a fee to the general public. Visit the UCLAW Express web page or call (310) 825-9317 for more information on fees and registration.  The UCLA Library system also offers a document delivery service.

  • Requesting Materials from the Southern Regional Library Facility

    The Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) provides space for University of California library materials, archives, and manuscript collections. Lower-use materials, for which there is not adequate shelving space on campus, are located in the SRLF and are retrieved and delivered to campus libraries upon request. Requests submitted before 11 a.m. Monday - Friday are generally available at the Circulation Desk by 4 p.m. of the same day. Additional information about retrieving materials from the SRLF is available on the Library System's SRLF pages.

Reference Services & Reference Reading Room

Reference Librarians are available within the library to help you locate specific titles and identify and use appropriate legal sources, as well as, provide a general overview of the law library's information systems, services, and collection. In addition, they can often advise you on appropriate research strategies, including advice on the use of electronic resources, such as the Internet and any of the databases subscribed to by the Library.

  • Reference Desk

    The Reference Desk is located in the Reference Reading Room, just past the central stairway on the Main floor of the library. Reference staff and services are scheduled to meet the needs of the Law School community. Reference Desk hours change according to school sessions and the demands of the academic program. Current Reference Desk Hours are available on the Library Hours page.

  • Remote Reference

    Remote reference is available by phone at 310.825.6414 or by emailing

  • Reference Reading Room

    The Reference Reading Room, located just past the central stairway on the Main floor of the library, contains finding tools to secondary sources such as indexes to periodical literature and government publications. Several public computer terminals are also available in this room for accessing UC Library Search and for other research purposes.

  • Research Guides (LibGuides)

    The library staff has compiled a number of online research guides available at LibGuides contains dozens of useful guides to assist you with your research. For example, you will find step-by-step guides on Federal tax research, employment law research, online legal research beyond LexisNexis and Westlaw, etc. We welcome your suggestions for new additions to our LibGuides collection.

Self-Service Printing, Copying, and Scanning

  • Photocopy Machines

    Photocopiers are located in (1112K) at the far north end of the first floor (in the Microform room) and on the second near the elevator (room 2112R). Machine problems may be reported to the Circulation Desk. Staplers, tape, and hole punches are available at the Circulation Desk.

  • BruinPrint/Wēpa Kiosk

    Printing and scanning are available through a BruinPrint/Wēpa Kiosk located just outside the Reference Reading Room. The print jobs from all library public computers will be sent to this kiosk. Instructions are located next to each computer. Visit BruinPrint for more information.

  • Payment and Fees for Printing, Copying, and Scanning

    Visitor BruinCards


    Library visitors can purchase a visitor BruinCard at the BruinCard machines near the Law Library entrance. The cost is $0.58 and the machines accept cash only. The cards are reusable, and value can be added to them at any library or campus BruinCard machine. Visitor BruinCards can also be used for purchases at campus locations and more than twenty businesses in Westwood that accept the BruinCard. However, refunds cannot be issued for any money left on a visitor BruinCard when the user is finished.

    Library photocopiers, the microform printer, and the computer print station do not accept coins. In order to use these machines, you must add value to your personal BruinCard (for UCLA users) or purchase a Visitor BruinCard.

    The BruinPrint/Wēpa Kiosk also accepts credit cards and if you sign up for a Wēpa account, you have the additional option of using PayPal.

    Visit the Library System's Print, Copy, Scan page for additional information and a complete list of copying/printing fees.


  • Microform Copies

    A microform reader-printer is available in the Microform Room (1112K) at the far north end of the first floor. This machine reads and prints both microfilm and microfiche. The machine takes BruinCards only; the same card readers used for the photocopy machines operate in the microform reader-printer. Visit the Library System's Print, Copy, Scan page for additional information and a complete list of copying/printing fees.

  • Copyright

    Users of these machines are responsible for compliance with U.S. copyright laws. Visit the UCLA Library Copyright Policies page for more information.


  • Library Cards

    To borrow materials, users must present a current UCLA library card, BruinCard or other UC Library card from home campus. Non-UC users may purchase library cards at the Young Research Library (YRL) and the Biomedical Library. For more information, call the YRL Circulation desk at 310.825.4732 or visit the Library Cards section of the UCLA Library System's website.

  • Lending Policies

    A law book collection is a reference/research collection. Most legal materials are consulted frequently by many people rather than read for a sustained period by an individual; therefore, most of the collection does not circulate. Generally, primary legal materials (such as statutes, case reporters, and administrative regulations), periodicals, looseleaf services, and Reference materials do not circulate. Treatises do circulate, unless they are in looseleaf format or in a set of more than three volumes.

  • Renew Your Books

    Borrowed materials may be renewed online using the "My Account" feature in UC Library Search. Visit the Library system's Borrow, Renew, Return page for complete information.

    Renewals of law library materials may also be made in-person and by phone by calling 310.825.3960. Overdue books will not be renewed by phone. Any exceptions to the loan periods or to renewal policies must be approved by a Circulation Supervisor.

  • Find a Missing Item

    If materials are not found on the shelf, ask at the Circulation Desk to determine if the item has been checked out or to confirm its location. Materials not found on the shelves and not checked out can be searched by the Library staff. Searches can be placed by filling out a charge slip and submitting it to the Circulation Desk or by filling out the online search form. If the items are found, notifications will be mailed to you. Circulating materials are placed on hold for two weeks from the date that the notification is prepared. Non-circulating materials are reshelved in the stacks; they are not placed on hold.

  • Holds

    Circulating materials can be placed on hold for up to one week. Reference, Reserve, and non-circulating open stacks materials (e.g., reporters, journals) will not be placed on hold.

  • Returning Items

    You can return most library materials to any library on campus. The following items must be returned directly to the library location from which they were borrowed:

    • Interlibrary loan items
    • One-day loan items
    • Reserves
    • Items borrowed from department libraries (such as the English Reading Room)
    • Laptops and technology equipment

    The law library has a 24/7 book return located near the Library's exterior entrance. The Charles E. Young Research Library and Powell Library also have exterior book drop bins accessible 24/7.

  • Fees and Fines

    Materials are due at the day/time noted in your library account (visit and click on "My Account" in the upper right corner to login).

    For additional information visit the Fees and Fines page of the Library system's website.

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