Access Policies

In order to ensure that the Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library facilities and services are fully available to the UCLA Law School community, the Law Library observes a very limited access policy which is fully enforced at all times that the Library is open (details below). Questions about the access policy may be directed to

Information about alternative legal resources can be found in our Find a Lawyer / Legal Aid and Free Online Legal Research LibGuides. We also have a document delivery service for the public called UCLAW Express.

NOTE TO UCLA COMMUNITY (current students, staff and faculty only): In lieu of visiting, we offer walk-in pickup of Law Library print materials. To place your request for materials you'd like us to retrieve and hold, visit Be sure to use your email address as the service is restricted to the UCLA community.

Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library Access Policy


    The Law Library employs an online reservation system for non-law school UCLA/UC Students to obtain access to the Law Library. Further details are below. 

    Note to UCLA faculty teaching or supervising UCLA students who need ongoing access to the Law Library's materials for research or assignments: read our "Exemption Handout" for information about obtaining a temporary exemption to this policy for these students.


    Non-law UCLA and other UC students must present a current BruinCard (or current student photo ID from their home institution) and make a reservation for a study space for Law Library access (details follow).

    1. Access to the Law Library for non-law UCLA/UC students is limited to a small number of users per day, controlled by a reservation system. These users can reserve a space for same day usage starting at 11:59pm the prior evening (subject to availability). Reservations must be made using a email address (or,, etc.). Spaces are available for three separate entry times per day. Reservation holders may use the Law Library any time after the reserved entry time for that day until the Library closes. The Law Library Guard will ask to see a current BruinCard or current UC student photo ID and will verify your reservation in our system before you will be admitted.
    2. Users with reservations may exit the library and return on the same day, but should be prepared to show their photo ID for reservation verification when re-entering.  
    3. Law Library access may be canceled by a Law Library Supervisor whenever necessary to ensure useful access to the facility for UCLA Law School community. Additionally, access to users outside of the Law School may be further restricted or unavailable during Law School finals or other high use times at the discretion of Law Library Administration. 
    4. Any reservation holder who is found in an area reserved for the UCLA Law School Community,* who is found violating any other Library policy, or who is disruptive in any way, will have their access revoked and must leave the Library immediately.

    *NOTE: Access to the Library does not include access to areas designated for the exclusive use of UCLA Law Students, Faculty, and Staff, such as the Tower Reading Room, Conference Rooms, and the After Hours Reading Room.


    Regular/Authorized Users are listed below. Access to the Law Library will be given upon presentation of the required identification noted in the chart:

     UCLA law students  Current Library wallet or BruinCard
     Other UC law school students (Berkeley, Davis, San Francisco, Irvine)  Current student photo ID from home campus
     All UCLA faculty and staff  Current BruinCard
     UC Law School Alumni  State bar card and official photo ID (If you do not have a bar card, ask your UC Law School's Alumni Relations Office to contact us in advance for access).
    ​ Other UC faculty and staff  Current official photo ID from home campus
     Members of the Bar in good standing  Current state bar membership card and official photo ID
     Members of the Judiciary and their staff  Current court ID card and official photo ID
     Faculty of other degree-conferring U.S. institutions of higher education (excluding online schools)  Current official photo ID from home campus
     ​Law students in a J.D. program from U.S. law schools located outside L.A. County (excluding online programs)  Current student photo ID from home campus
    *We reserve the right to independently verify user status (such as current student status or bar standing).
  • Access Policies & Procedures for Attorneys

    Members of the Bar in good standing can access the law library by presenting a current state bar membership card and official photo ID. 

    Although the Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library welcomes attorneys, the primary mission of the law library is to support the teaching and research activities of the UCLA School of Law. Because of limited funds and increasing prices, the law library no longer subscribes to print versions of most materials available to our faculty and students through their Lexis and Westlaw accounts. Because of contract restrictions, the law library is unable to provide attorneys with Lexis and Westlaw access.

    Attorneys are encouraged to email before visiting the law library to confirm that we have the resources that you need. Please allow one business day for a response. For additional details on the law library’s services for attorneys and the availability of commonly used resources, please read our Law Library Services for Attorneys handout

  • Students from non-U.S. law schools (not online)

    Students from non-U.S. law schools (not online) are permitted to access the Law Library up to 20 days per year. Those seeking access for longer periods or seeking a letter of invitation must apply to the Visiting Scholars and Researchers Program. For visits of 20 days or less, please contact at least 72 hours in advance to make arrangements for access before you arrive.

  • Access to Government Documents

    General Information

    Access to the Federal Depository Collection by the general public is an exception to the Law Library’s Access Policy. This exception is made in order to provide access to government information.  Access to the Federal Depository Collection entitles members of the public to use those publications received through the Federal Depository Library Program only; it does not entitle the visitor to use the Law Library’s general collections, services, or physical space. Once the user has completed their use of the federal depository documents, they are required to leave the Law Library promptly. Please note that the Law Library receives only a very small portion of federal depository materials.

    Application for Access to the Federal Depository Collection

    Advance reservations are recommended for members of the public to ensure access to the Federal Depository Collection. Because of our limited selection of depository materials and/or staffing availability, we cannot guarantee access to the needed materials unless prior arrangements have been made. Users can request reservation sessions by emailing or by calling (310) 825-3166. Be sure to  include the following information: your name, contact information (phone number or email address), and a description of the federal depository materials you are requesting to access (with titles and call numbers if possible).  

    Requestors will receive a response within two business days. Federal Depository users with an immediate need may contact the library at (310) 825-3166 for assistance and will be accommodated as staff is available. 

    Procedures for Use of Depository Collection

    1. Check in with the guard at the Library’s entrance at the appointed time. Visitors must present a government issued photo ID.
    2. The guard will escort the visitor to the Reference Reading Room where the requested document will be paged. The visitor will be required to work in the Reference Reading Room for the duration of the appointment.
    3. Upon completion of the use of the federal depository documents, the visitor will be required to leave the Law Library promptly.

    Anyone not specifically mentioned above is generally not authorized for access to the UCLA Law Library. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Law Students from other Los Angeles County Law Schools and online-only Law Schools.* 
    • Non-law students from other non-UC colleges and universities.
    • Members of the bar who are not in good standing.
    • UCLA Extension Students (exception: current students in the UCLA Extension Paralegal Training Program are given access through prior arrangements with PTP Program Administrators).

    *Access may be granted to law students from schools within Los Angeles County and from online law programs only if prior arrangements are made through the UCLA Law Library Administration by the administration of their home institution's library. Contact for more information.

Other Library Policies

All UCLA Law Library users must abide by the User Rights & Responsibilities listed on the UCLA Library System's website. Additional Law Library rules and useful information are listed below.

  • Non-UCLA Law School User Policy

    PLEASE NOTE: During Law School Final exams, or other periods of heavy Library use by the UCLA Law School community, the access policy may change and access to the Law Library may not be available. See the Law Library Access Policy above for more general information about access to the Law Library.

    The UCLA Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library is the primary place of study and research for the UCLA Law School community; thus, a quiet environment must be maintained. Recognizing that non-UCLA Law School users may have legitimate needs to use the Library's collection or academic services, the Law Library allows a limited number of users who are not UCLA Law School users (as specified by our Access Policy listed above) to use the Library at any one time. Access to the Law Library, however, does not grant users access to all Library services or to all areas of the Library. While in the Law Library, users who are not members of the UCLA Law School community are expected to abide by the following policies:

    • Users must present photo identification each time they enter the Library (and non-Law UCLA/UC students must have their study space reservation verified by the Library Guard for entry).
    • A quiet study environment must be maintained in the Library. Any behavior that disrupts an environment that is conducive to study will not be permitted.
    • In accordance with UCLA campus policy, sound on cell/mobile devices must be turned off when entering the Library. As a courtesy to others, please hold all mobile phone conversations outside of the library.
    • No food is allowed in the Library. The Library Guard or the CSO on duty will ask users to remove or throw out any food found in the Library. Beverages are allowed in the Library, but only in the sealable, reusable containers. Beverages in disposable containers are strictly prohibited.
    • Specified areas of the Library, including the Tower (Fourth Floor) Reading Room and the Conference Rooms are for UCLA Law student use only.

    Unacceptable behaviors for all users include, but are not limited to (see additional rules below below for more information):

    • Deliberate misuse of materials or equipment that interferes with or prevents timely access to resources or equipment by other users or staff;
    • Violation of University policies, including policies on computer and network use, cell phone use, electronic communications and harassment;
    • Vandalism, theft or defacement of library materials or other property.

    Users found violating any of the policies listed above, will be asked to leave the Law Library. Violations of Library or University policies on more than one occasion, or one-time egregious violations, are grounds for having Law Library privileges revoked. Violations of California state or Federal law will be handled appropriately.

    Any refusal to comply with requests made by representatives of the Law Library (including Library and Law School Staff, Library Guards, Campus Security Officers or Campus Police) in the enforcement of Library policies may be grounds for permanent revocation of Law Library use privileges. For students, violations of Law Library policies may also be referred to the appropriate Dean of Students for further action.

  • Smoking, Food & Beverages

    As of April 2013, the UCLA Campus implemented a smoke/tobacco free environment.

    Please be aware that CONSUMPTION OF FOOD IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE LAW LIBRARY. The pests that are attracted to the Library by food also eat our books. We ask for your cooperation in adhering to the "NO FOOD" policy. Beverages are allowed in a sealable, reusable container only. Beverages in disposable containers are strictly prohibited.

  • Computers

    The Library has a number of computers which are located in the Reference Reading Room. These computers are available for academic and legal research purposes only and are not to be used for e-mail, word processing or playing games. Use of the Library's computers is limited to 2 hours per day. In addition, the Law Library also follows the UCLA Library system's "Acceptable Use Policy for Library Public Computers."

  • Restricted Areas

    The following areas of the Library are reserved for the exclusive use of the UCLA Law School Community: the Tower Reading Room (4th Floor), all Conference Rooms, and "after hours" study space. Your cooperation in observing these restrictions is appreciated.

  • Security/Personal Property

    When using the Library, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS UNATTENDED. Please keep in mind that your valuables can be stolen in a matter of seconds. The Law Library is not liable for loss or damage to personal property. We encourage you to make use of the Library's public lockers to store your personal belongings.

  • Public Lockers

    The Library has a bank of public lockers available to Library users. These are located to the left as you enter the Library. The cost for the lockers is 25¢ per use (You must deposit a quarter to release the key).

  • CSO Evening Escorts

    The UCLA Police Department CSO Program provides a free evening escort service every day of the year from dusk to 1:00 a.m. Uniformed Community Service Officers (CSOs)–specially trained UCLA students–are available to walk students, staff, faculty and visitors between campus buildings and local living areas or Westwood Village. To obtain an escort, call (310) 794-WALK (4WALK from a campus phone) about 15 minutes before you need to leave.

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