LAW 494

Psychedelics and the Law

Health Law

After decades of suppression, large-scale research into the use of psychedelic medicines to treat mental health conditions experienced a dramatic revival. Promising results have spurred tremendous investment in an industry that may be worth an estimated $7 billion by 2027. The Food and Drug Administration is expediting review of MDMA and psilocybin treatments and has already approved a ketamine nasal spray. Multiple states and cities have decriminalized the use of certain psychedelics, even as the federal government continues to regulate those drugs as controlled substances. In this context, widespread adoption of psychedelics seems at once inevitable and fraught with uncertainty.

How did substances that are still mostly illegal gain so much traction? Are patents good or bad for promoting innovation and access in this dynamic field? Will psychedelics be monopolized by a few giant pharmaceutical companies? And what are the ethical implications of commercializing activity that had traditionally been conducted in sacred indigenous ceremonies—or that resulted in the incarceration of people from marginalized communities?

To explore such questions, we will examine current legal frameworks and academic scholarship through readings, lectures, and sessions with guest speakers. Students will have the opportunity to engage in small-group discussions. We will conclude by considering emerging policy proposals that may shape the future of psychedelics.

This course will be graded with letter grades based on class participation, a closed-book in-class final exam, and possibly two 3 – 5 page papers (depending on number of students enrolled in the class).

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