Foreign Legal Study Exchange Program Partner Schools

UCLA School of Law partners with the following foreign schools:

  • Bucerius Law School

    Hamburg, Germany

    Early Application Deadline:

    Bucerius has an application deadline that is earlier than all of our other partner schools. UCLA Law students interested in studying at Bucerius during the fall semester will need to submit their application to the Foreign Legal Study & Exchange Program by February 15.

    Are classes taught in English?

    All law courses within the exchange program are selected exclusively for the program and are taught in English. Students seeking to study at Bucerius may normally do so only during the fall semester, as spring coursework is not offered in English and is restricted only to those students who have fluency in German. Students who study at Bucerius in the fall term and who can demonstrate a strong command of German language may be permitted to take a limited number of regular courses offered in the German LL.B. program. Approximately 18 to 20 courses are offered during the semester. These courses are taught by experienced Bucerius and international professors, as well as by legal practitioners, and include offerings in Corporate Law, Introduction to EU Law, Global Trends in Intellectual Property and Digital Media Law, Introduction to German Law, The Law of the WTO, International Commercial Arbitration, Information Privacy and Data Protection, Mergers & Acquisitions, and more. View more details on course offerings and the academic landscape for exchange students.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Bucerius – currently ranked first for quality of teaching and fourth overall among the top law schools in Germany – has a highly competitive admissions process for incoming German students. Bucerius’ exchange program has a strong focus on international and comparative business law, and even enables exchange students to take specialized courses in law, economics, and management in order to earn a Certificate in Management and Leadership for Lawyers. The instruction style is interactive and incorporates the Socratic Method to enable students and lecturers from around the world to actively engage in and explore issues in international and comparative law from various legal perspectives. Courses are ABA-approved and thus allow for increased ease of credit transfer back to UCLA Law.

    Bucerius will help to place interested UCLA Law students in internships at reputable big law firms in Frankfurt or Hamburg during the summer before the fall semester or after the spring semester spent at Bucerius. Internships may be secured at law firms including Baker & McKenzieDLA PiperFreshfields Bruckhaus DeringerNorton Rose FulbrightBryan Cave or White & Case.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Bucerius has exchange agreements with more than 90 partner schools across 31 different countries. Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, NYU, Northwestern, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and the University of Virginia constitute just a handful of the over 30 U.S. law schools with which Bucerius has active partnerships. On average, Bucerius welcomes approximately 30 exchange students from its U.S. partner schools each year. UCLA Law may normally send up to two students to Bucerius during the fall semester. Learn more about Bucerius’ partner schools.

    What is the term schedule?

    Inclusive of a mandatory orientation program, the fall semester normally runs from September through December, and is split into two separate sessions. The first session typically lasts six weeks, taking place between early September and mid-October, while the second session rounds out the semester, running from early November to mid-December.

    Where can I get housing?

    Bucerius does not provide on-campus housing, but does attempt to secure rooms in nearby dormitories in Hamburg, for which interested students may apply upon receiving an admission offer. The Bucerius International Office will provide additional information regarding housing and other off-campus options after issuing an admission offer. Oftentimes, incoming students may have the opportunity to sublease an apartment or room from a German Bucerius student studying abroad. More details about accommodations in Bucerius are available on the school website.


    Professor Russell Korobkin
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Bucerius are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Bucerius coordinators directly.


    Ms. Kasia Kwietniewska

    Ms. Sabrina Henning
    Incoming Students Programs Coordinator

  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

    Geneva, Switzerland

    Are classes taught in English?

    While classes are taught in both English and French, the majority of the course offerings are taught in English. Students may elect to take classes taught only in English, for which there are about 10 offerings available each semester, or between 15 and 20 each academic year. Should students opt to take courses in French, they must provide evidence of proficiency deemed sufficient by the Graduate Institute. Available course offerings cover a range of fields, such as International Law and Terrorism, International Health Law, Corporate Responsibility in Transnational and International Law and more. For more details about course offerings at the Graduate Institute, visit the current course catalogue. Students who are interested in enrolling in French courses at the Graduate Institute may be eligible to do so should there be space available and provided that the applicable fees for such courses are covered by the student.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    The curriculum is particularly strong in International Law, Human Rights Law and Trade Law. Previous students have pursued studies at the Graduate Institute with an emphasis on International Humanitarian Law, International Health Law and International Business Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    The number of U.S. exchange students varies from one year to the next. The Graduate Institute will accept two students from UCLA Law per semester, or no more than four per academic year. The Graduate Institute also has exchange agreements with Boston University, Michigan, and Harvard, and welcomes approximately one-to-four students combined per year from these law schools. Between 20 and 30 students from other institutions abroad participate in exchanges at the Graduate Institute over the course of an academic year, with the majority of those exchanges concentrated in the fall semester. These students come from the nearly 30 different institutions with whom the Graduate Institute holds exchange partnerships from Brazil Egypt, Ghana, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Singapore and more. Learn more about the Graduate Institute's partner schools.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from mid-September to late December. The spring semester runs from February to June. A greater number of elective courses are available during the spring semester, and exchange students receive priority placement in elective courses. Visit the Graduate Institute’s current academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    Incoming students may contact the Housing Services office of the University of Geneva to obtain assistance in organizing their housing arrangements in Geneva, but accommodations are not guaranteed. Housing in Geneva is particularly scarce, so students are encouraged to begin their search as soon as possible. The Student Services Office will help incoming students coordinate their arrival and stay in Geneva and offer assistance regarding visas, housing, course registration, logistics and more. Incoming students may apply for housing at the IHEID Student House (Residence Edgar et Daniele De Picciotto), the student halls and residences around Geneva, and/or private housing options in Geneva and neighboring towns, though placement is not guaranteed. More details about accommodations and the housing market in Geneva is available on The Graduate Institute’s Student Portal.


    Professor Richard Steinberg
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about the Graduate Institute are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Graduate Institute coordinators directly.


    Ms. Concepta Canale
    Exchange Coordinator

    Dr. Laurent Neury
    Academic Advisor

  • Haifa University Faculty of Law

    Haifa, Israel

    Are classes taught in English?

    Over the course of an academic year, Haifa’s Faculty of Law offers about 25 courses in English. Through the Global Law Program and its International LL.M. in Patent Law, Haifa University offers all of its courses (numbering about 25 in total each academic year) in English. Examples of course offerings include World Trade Organization Law, European Union Law, Introduction to Intellectual Property Law and Jurisprudence. English courses are typically taught in a series of extended lectures over a two-week period. Visit the course catalog for more information and the LL.B.-B.A. joint degree program for access to additional course listings (in Hebrew).

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    The Haifa Center for Law and Technology offers a wide selection of courses in Patent, Copyright and Information Law. In that vein, Haifa has an International LL.M. Program in Patent Law – provided in conjunction with the World Intellectual Property Organization – with an extensive range of intellectual property law and introduction to law course offerings in English. UCLA Law exchange students are eligible to take those courses. Additionally, Haifa offers a law and technology clinic, which has English-language projects. Haifa University is also strong in Law and Economics and Antitrust Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    While the precise number of U.S. exchange students varies, over 900 students from 40 different countries come to Haifa University each year. The Faculty of Law typically welcomes 15 to 20 students from U.S. law schools each academic year. Haifa will accept two UCLA Law students per semester, or up to four per academic year. On average, Haifa also welcomes between 25 and 35 law students from countries across the globe each academic year. Learn more about Haifa Faculty of Law's exchange agreements.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester for international students runs from early October to early January. The spring semester for international students runs from mid-February to late May. Although the largest number of courses in the Global Law Program are typically available during the spring semester, incoming exchange students are welcome to participate in the exchange program at Haifa during either semester. View the academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    Full-time students enrolled in the International School are eligible and strongly encouraged to live in the student dorms on campus to interact with Israeli students. Two dormitory complexes are open to international students.

    Travel Stipend

    UCLA can provide up to two $935 travel stipends per year to UCLA Law students who participate in an exchange program with the Haifa, Hebrew University or Tel Aviv law faculties. Students who wish to apply for such a travel stipend should indicate this in their UCLA Law application letter. Applicants should also state whether they have previously visited Israel. While all students who participate in any of those three exchange programs are eligible for a travel stipend, preference will be given to students who have not previously been to Israel.

    Scholarship Opportunity

    The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies offers scholarships of up to $3,000 to students studying at one of the UCLA School of Law Partner Schools. More information can be found by visiting:


    Professor Neil Netanel
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Haifa are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Haifa coordinators directly.


    Ms. Kalanit Kleemer
    Global Law Program Coordinator

    Ms. Lilach Bareket
    Students Exchange Coordinator, International School

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law

    Jerusalem, Israel

    Are classes taught in English?

    While most classes are taught in Hebrew, there are typically between 35 and 60 classes offered in English each academic year. These classes cover a wide range of topics such as Law and Philosophy, Law in Israel, and International Business Law. View the catalog of classes currently offered in English.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Hebrew University is well-known for its Law and Philosophy and Human Rights programs.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law will typically host two UCLA Law students per semester (or up to four per academic year), as well as a few students from Georgetown and Stanford. The Faculty of Law also has exchange agreements and partnerships with institutions in Australia, China, Denmark, France, Italy and more.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from mid-October to late January. Fall courses for exchange students will typically end in early January. The spring semester runs from late February to mid-June. HU professors and administrators will typically provide some flexibility regarding the course schedule for exchange students in order to accommodate their academic calendars at their home institutions. View the academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    Student housing is provided to all exchange students in the Student Village.

    Travel Stipend

    UCLA can provide up to two $935 travel stipends per year to UCLA Law students who participate in an exchange program with the Haifa, Hebrew University, or Tel Aviv law faculties. Students who wish to apply for such a travel stipend should indicate this in their UCLA Law application letter. Applicants should also state whether they have previously visited Israel. While all students who participate in any of those three exchange programs are eligible for a travel stipend, preference will be given to students who have not previously been to Israel.

    Scholarship Opportunity

    The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies offers scholarships of up to $3,000 to students studying at one of the UCLA School of Law Partner Schools. More information can be found by visiting:


    Professor Neil Netanel
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Hebrew University are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Hebrew University coordinators directly.


    Dr. Guy Harpaz
    Senior Lecturer, Academic Advisor, Exchange Programs

    Ms. Talia Algazi
    Administrative Coordinator

  • Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix en Provence

    Aix en Provence, France

    Are classes taught in English?

    The majority of the classes are taught in French. A few classes are taught each semester in English, but most of these are not law courses, so demonstrated fluency in French is required. Visit the overview of course offerings for further details.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    A significant portion of the law curriculum is dedicated to International Business and Administrative Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    There are 120 foreign exchange students on campus each year. The number of U.S. students varies year to year. Sciences Po Aix will accept two students from UCLA Law per semester.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from early September to mid-December. The spring semester runs from early January to mid-May. View the university academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    Students are eligible to apply for housing in the student residence halls (subject to availability). Sciences Po Aix also offers students a comprehensive list of resources regarding securing non-university housing (flats, flat-sharing, rooming with a family and more), though finding private-sector accommodations near campus can typically be very difficult and quite costly. Sciences Po Aix provides additional practical information about accommodations and the cost of living online.

    Contact: Professor Richard Steinberg
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Sciences Po are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Sciences Po coordinators directly.


    Sandy Dancer
    Program Coordinator

    David Coates
    Academic Advisor for Incoming Students

    International Relations Department

    Professor Guy Scoffoni,
    Director of International Relations

  • Keio Law School

    Tokyo, Japan

    Early Application Deadline:

    Keio has an application deadline that is earlier than all of our other partner schools. UCLA Law students interested in studying abroad at Keio during the fall semester will need to submit their application to the Foreign Legal Study & Exchange Program by February 15.

    Are classes taught in English?

    The vast majority of classes at Keio are taught in Japanese. Students seeking to enroll in courses offered in Japanese must demonstrate language proficiency evidencing their ability to read materials in Japanese and actively participate in class. There are, however, about 10 English courses offered each semester in topics such as Comparative Corporate Law, International Intellectual Property, and International Dispute Resolution. View the list of classes offered in English.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Most of the English courses focus on International Business Law. Previous UCLA Law students who studied abroad at Keio expressed strong interest in Intellectual Property Law, Japanese/East Asian Law and International Business Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    While the exact number of U.S. students varies each year, there are only about 10 exchange students admitted each semester. Keio will admit two students from UCLA Law per semester, or up to four students per academic year.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from late September to early February. The spring semester runs from early April to late July. Most students enroll at Keio during the fall semester. Fall English language courses are scheduled to end by late December. Students in Japanese language courses can also apply to write a final paper in December in lieu of taking the February exam. For more details, visit the academic calendar.

    Where can I get housing?

    Keio provides subsidized student housing in its dormitories. Exchange students are eligible to apply for units in these dorms. Exchange students also do not typically have difficulty finding short-term (non-university) housing at reasonable prices. The International Exchange Committee will provide incoming exchange students with a list of housing resources online upon request.


    Professor Frances Olsen
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about the Graduate Institute are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Graduate Institute coordinators directly.


    David G. Litt
    Professor of Law

    International Exchange Committee

  • Leiden University Law School

    Leiden, The Netherlands

    Are classes taught in English?

    Exchange students can choose from a broad array of Leiden Law Courses (LLC). LLC courses are specially-designed bachelor-level classes taught in English and are open to both foreign and Dutch students. Approximately 15 to 20 courses are offered each semester, and students may select from a wide variety of offerings such as Comparative Sexual Orientation Law, Aerospace Law, Law and Information Technology in Europe, European Asylum Law, Comparative Corporate Law, Law and Governance in Developing Countries and more. For a glimpse into the academic and student environment at Leiden, check out the Moot Court Public International Law LLC course video.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Leiden is well known for its Public International Law programs. Hugo Grotius, called the founder of Public International Law, began his studies at Leiden in 1594 at the age of 11. In addition to its Public International Law focus, Leiden brings together students of many different nationalities - and, consequently, diverse legal perspectives - in the classroom for a dynamic learning experience. There are a wide variety of law courses offered in English and students that pursue study at Leiden can expect to undertake a semester of interactive education where the faculty and administrators offer a personal approach to legal education and the institutional environment. Leiden also has close ties with The Hague in the Netherlands.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Approximately 20 U.S. exchange students will study abroad at Leiden over the course of an academic year, most for a semester at a time. Leiden welcomes between 150 and 200 law exchange students annually, and has exchange agreements with partner schools across the globe in Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America, the Middle East and North America.

    What is the term schedule?

    Leiden's academic calendar is comprised of two semesters, each of which is divided into two blocks. The fall semester runs from late August or early September through late December. The spring semester typically begins in late January or early February and concludes in May or June. Leiden arranges a week-long orientation program covering a general introduction to the university, faculties, student organizations and the city for incoming exchange students prior to the start of each semester.

    Where can I get housing?

    Exchange students are welcome to apply for housing for their semester abroad at Leiden through the Housing Office. Those students seeking housing may apply for accommodations by June 1 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester through the Housing Office, which offers placement assistance in cooperation with local housing organizations, such as DUWO. Leiden offers additional information about accommodations and housing on its website.


    Professor Máximo Langer
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Leiden are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Leiden coordinator directly.


    Ms. Mahshid Alizadeh
    Inbound Coordinator

  • Melbourne Law School

    Melbourne, Australia

    Are classes taught in English?

    Yes, all classes are taught in English. Exchange students, however, may only enroll in elective courses. Of these, about 25 are available for exchange students. Elective subjects are similar to those offered at UCLA Law and include Environmental Law, Sports Law, and Public International Law. View the course, subject, specializations, and breadth handbook to search graduate and undergraduate course offerings and for more information on available courses and subjects at Melbourne.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    As a global university, the program in International Law is particularly strong.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Melbourne Law School has additional exchange agreements with the University of Texas, the University of Virginia, and Georgetown University, so there are usually at least five-to-10 other U.S. exchange students over the course of the academic year. Melbourne accepts two students from UCLA Law per semester, or up to four students per academic year. Click on the list of Melbourne Law School partner institutions to view all of Melbourne’s current exchange agreements.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from August to December. The spring semester runs from January to May. For more details, visit the academic calendar.

    Where can I get housing?

    The University of Melbourne offers incoming exchange students a range of accommodation options (independent housing, residential colleges, or guaranteed housing) for which students may apply, and comprehensive information, resources and listings regarding those various options. There is also a Melbourne staff member dedicated to assisting incoming exchange students with any housing questions. The Global Mobility Office provides details about housing options. There is also additional information about finding housing in Melbourne. Melbourne also provides a cost of living estimate, including a breakdown of housing and living expenses.


    Professor Richard Steinberg
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Melbourne are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Melbourne coordinators directly.


    Incoming & Outgoing Application

    Mr. Stuart Hibberd
    Manager, Education Abroad Student Programs

    Exchange Advisor

    Melbourne Global Mobility

  • Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) University

    Paris, France

    Are classes taught in English?

    The language of instruction at Paris II is French. Incoming exchange students should be able to demonstrate a level of intermediate-to-advanced French proficiency equivalent to a B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale. Students may review the list of available course offerings (choosing from classes offered in the Paris II first through fourth year - Licence and Master 1 - curriculum) online in the Cours Proposes Selon Les Disciplines section. Course offerings include Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, International Public Law, International Relations, Public Economic Law and more. Exchange students may take French language courses at no cost as a supplement to their legal studies, and all incoming exchange students have the opportunity to take an introductory course on the French legal system and methodology during the introductory period prior to the start of classes.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Paris II is considered France's top law university with a reputation for excellence in the fields of judicial careers, criminal sciences, business law, European law, international law, notary law, private law, public law, social law, international relations, political science, Roman law, history of law, economics, management, information and communication sciences. The university's Careers and Internship portal proactively sources a range of quality internship opportunities for students, enabling them to be far more prepared for legal practice upon entering the workforce.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    On average, Paris II hosts under 10 students from the U.S. per year in the exchange program. Paris II has partnerships with approximately 90 law schools across the globe, and among those, exchange agreements with six other U.S. law schools, including Boston University, Chicago-Kent, Duke, Fordham, Indiana and UC Hastings.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester typically begins with an introductory week specifically for law students in late September. Full classes run from October through December, and examinations take place in January, though Paris II may provide early examination accommodations in late December for those students who must return to their home institutions by January. The spring semester begins with an introductory week specifically for law students in late January, followed by full courses from February through May. Final exams take place in late May and June.

    Where can I get housing?

    Paris II offers housing assistance, a list of possible housing options, and guidance regarding accommodations in Paris to incoming students, but housing is not guaranteed, as there are no affiliated Paris II dormitories. Paris II recommends that students contact the CIUP (Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris) for additional housing assistance. Students should plan to arrive in advance of the start of the semester in order to arrange and secure sufficient accommodations. Additional details about accommodations and the cost of living are available on the Paris II website.


    Professor Stephen Gardbaum
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Paris II are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Paris II coordinators directly.


    Marion Chenu
    Incoming and Outgoing Students Coordinator

    Georgia Schneider
    International Head Officer

  • Peking University Law School

    Beijing, China

    Are classes taught in English?

    In 2006, Peking University Law School (PKU) established a Chinese Law program in English specifically for incoming exchange and international students. The Chinese Law English program focuses primarily on Chinese civil and commercial law and instruction is offered by leading PKU faculty members and distinguished scholars and practitioners. Course offerings include Chinese Civil Law, Chinese Company Law, Chinese Economic Law, Chinese Judicial System, and more. Courses are available through the Short-Term Program in Chinese Law and the LL.M. Program in Chinese Law. PKU offers over 100 courses in both Chinese and English each semester.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    With China's rapid economic growth and increasing presence on the world stage, knowledge of Chinese law has become an essential resource for international students and legal professionals engaged with China. In this context, PKU offers students essential Chinese law courses in addition to providing assistance in securing fieldwork placements and internship opportunities at top law firms and other legal institutions in China. PKU has a reputation for excellence in the fields of legal theory, constitution and administrative law, economic law, and criminal law studies. PKU also offers a breadth of courses in the areas of international law, civil and commercial law, litigation, legal history, and environmental law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    PKU has partnerships with 72 universities and legal institutions around the world and attracts nearly 20 international students from across the globe each year, including students from the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Though the exact number of U.S. exchange students is variable each year, PKU has established exchange agreements with and welcomes exchange students from approximately 20 other U.S. law schools, including: American, Case Western, Columbia, Cornell, Indiana, Loyola, New York University, Northwestern, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Hastings, University of Akron, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Missouri, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas, and Yeshiva. UCLA Law may normally send up to two students to PKU per semester.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester normally runs from late-August to mid-December. The spring semester typically will begin in late February and conclude in June. The Office of International Relations provides an overview of the academic calendar in the study period and academic schedule section of its general information website. PKU's Office of International Relations International Students Division also provides the current year's academic calendar online.

    Where can I get housing?

    Incoming exchange students may apply for on-campus housing in Zhongguanxinyuan and Shaoyuan, though accommodations cannot be guaranteed due to limited availability. PKU provides assistance to all incoming students in securing housing near campus. Those who do note receive on-campus placements may alternately apply for lodging in Zhongguanyuan Global Village or rent an apartment in the neighboring area of Wudaokou. Housing in Beijing near PKU is estimated at approximately 15,000 RMB per semester including utilities.


    Professor Alex Wang
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Peking are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Peking coordinators directly.


    Yueming Yao
    External Affairs Office Coordinator

    Yuanyuan Li
    Assistant Dean
    Director, External Affairs Office

    Peking University Law School
    External Affairs Office

  • Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law

    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Are classes taught in English?

    Yes. Each year Tel Aviv University offers about 50 classes in English, taught by TAU faculty members and by visiting professors from top law schools abroad such as Yale and Berkeley. The majority of these courses will be offered on a quarter-based term system to allow incoming students for both the fall and spring semesters to be able to complete their studies prior to the next semester (or summer break) at their home institutions. These courses include subjects such as Intellectual Property in the Digital Age, International Taxation, and Advanced Contracts. View TAU's current term course offerings.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Tel Aviv University is particularly strong in Intellectual Property Law and Business Law. TAU is also reputable in Human Rights Law and Private Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Tel Aviv University is the largest university in Israel with almost 30,000 students, many of whom come from around the world. The Buchmann Faculty of Law has exchange agreements with about ten American law schools, including the University of Virginia, the University of Florida, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Hastings, Boston, Benjamin N. Cardozo, and more. On average, TAU will host ten students from these U.S. law schools each year. TAU will normally host two students from UCLA per semester, or no more than four per academic year. Approximately 20 international students from abroad also come to TAU each year from schools such as Toronto, Osgoode Hall, Sciences-Po Paris, Bucerius, Charles University, Monash, Seoul National University, Tsinghua, KoGuan, Jindal Global Law School, and more.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester typically runs from mid-October to mid-January. The spring semester runs from mid-February to mid-June. The spring semester is split into two separate sessions, the first typically running from February to April and the second running from April to June. Note that a significant number of courses are concentrated in the first eight weeks of the fall and spring semesters to allow American students to return for the spring semester by early January or in time for their summer jobs in mid-May.

    Where can I get housing?

    Tel Aviv University does not guarantee housing for exchange students, as there is high demand and limited supply for on-campus housing. Exchange students are therefore required to secure their own accommodations. TAU has, however, entered into agreements with various rental agencies in Tel Aviv under which exchange students may be eligible to rent apartments for special rates. TAU also offers several online resources to incoming exchange students seeking accommodations, and also permits incoming exchange students to be added to the waiting list for the international dorms.

    Travel Stipend

    UCLA can provide up to two $935 travel stipends per year to UCLA Law students who participate in an exchange program with the Haifa, Hebrew University, or Tel Aviv law faculties. Students who wish to apply for such a travel stipend should indicate this in their UCLA application letter. Applicants should also state whether they have previously visited Israel. While all students who participate in any of those three exchange programs are eligible for a travel stipend, preference will be given to students who have not previously been to Israel.

    Scholarship Opportunity

    The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies offers scholarships of up to $3,000 to students studying at one of the UCLA School of Law Partner Schools. More information can be found by visiting:


    Professor Neil Netanel
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Tel Aviv are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Tel Aviv coordinators directly.


    Ms. Marie Madvil
    Students Exchange Program Coordinator

    Prof. Neta Ziv
    Exchange Program Academic Director

  • Tsinghua University School of Law

    Tsinghua University School of Law
    Beijing, China

    Are classes taught in English?

    There are three English language programs: the LL.M. in Chinese Law, International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement (IADS), and International Intellectual Property. There are about ten classes taught in English for each program. Some examples of these courses include Chinese Foreign Investment Law, International Arbitration in Asia, and International E-Commerce Law. Exchange students are eligible to take any English courses offered at the law school and in other departments at Tsinghua, provided that they first receive approval to do so from the department and UCLA. Students seeking to take courses offered in Chinese must first demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in the language. View previous years' curricular offerings in Chinese Law, IADS, and International Intellectual Property online. The International Students Office also maintains a comprehensive list of courses taught in English during each academic term.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Tsinghua is best known for Chinese Law, International Arbitration, and Intellectual Property Law. Previous UCLA Law students who studied abroad at Tsinghua pursued coursework there with a focus on Chinese Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    The Chinese Law program is offered exclusively for international students, many of whom come from U.S. schools. Tsinghua has partnered with William & Mary, from which it accepts about two students per semester. Tsinghua also has exchange partnerships with the following U.S. law schools: Duke, Berkeley, Emory, Tulane, Loyola, and Case Western. Tsinghua will accept two students from UCLA Law per semester, or up to four students per academic year.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from mid-August to late December. The spring semester runs from mid-February to late June. View the most recent academic calendar as a reference. Tsinghua also provides information regarding the previous academic term's academic calendar in English. Students seeking a greater variety of English language course offerings should consider pursuing study abroad at Tsinghua during the spring semester.

    Where can I get housing?

    Tsinghua offers three different types of on-campus housing in its dormitories to incoming exchange and international students. While exchange students are eligible to apply for on-campus housing, due to limited availability, accommodations cannot be guaranteed. Off-campus accommodations are not provided by the university, and if incoming exchange students do not reserve an on-campus dormitory prior to their arrival, they are responsible for handling their off-campus living arrangements. The International Studies Office provides additional information regarding accommodations and related logistical matters for exchange students.


    Professor Alex Wang
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Tsinghua are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Tsinghua coordinators directly.


    Ms. Jingran Fan
    Administrator of Foreign Affairs Office

    Professor Xiaowu Li
    Director of International Affairs Office & Faculty Coordinator

    Exchange & Visiting Student Program, International Students Office

  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway Faculty of Law

    UiT The Arctic University of Norway Faculty of Law
    (University of Tromsø)

    Tromsø, Norway

    Are classes taught in English?

    UiT The Arctic University of Norway (formerly the University of Tromsø) does not offer any Bachelor’s level courses in English. All (English) courses available to exchange students are taught at the Master’s level. While most classes are taught in Norwegian, there are about five law classes offered each semester in English. Occasionally, as few as two or three English courses will be offered per semester. Some examples are General Law of the Sea, Energy Law, and European Union Law. In order to take the equivalent of a full course load at UiT, students are expected to take approximately two courses in a semester. View a list of courses available in English. Students seeking to take courses taught in Norwegian are eligible to do so as long as they meet the general admission and Norwegian language requirements.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    UiT is highly renowned on an international scale for its Law of the Sea program. UiT also specializes in Indigenous People’s Rights, Environmental Law, and Fishery Law in the Arctic.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    The Faculty of Law is a relatively small program, with about 550 students total participating in the five-year Master’s Degree. UCLA Law is the only U.S. law school with which UiT has an existing exchange partnership in effect. UiT will normally accept two students from UCLA Law per semester, or up to four students per academic year. There are usually 10-15 exchange students from other countries who study abroad at UiT each year. These students come from partner universities or as “free-mover” exchange students from non-partner schools.

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from early August to mid-December. As the Law of the Sea Program commences every fall, the JUR-3050 General Law of the Sea course is offered only during the fall semester, and those seeking to take the course should plan their study abroad at UiT accordingly. The spring semester runs from early January to mid-June. View the academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    UiT provides incoming students with guidance on seeking accommodations in Tromsø. Contact the Housing Department of the Student Welfare Organization (SiTO) at for more information. SiTO is responsible for assigning rooms to Norwegian and international students, and international students receive priority placement for student units. Exchange students are able to review comprehensive listings of rooms and apartments available for rent for students at UiT.


    Professor Frances Olsen
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about UiT are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the UiT coordinators directly.


    Ms. Lene Emilie Øye
    International Coordinator

    Annikken Steinbakk
    International Coordinator in the Faculty of Law

  • Universidad Torcuato di Tella Law School

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Are classes taught in English?

    No. All law classes at Universidad Torcuato di Tella are taught in Spanish, so students seeking to study in Argentina are required to demonstrate a high level of Spanish language proficiency (typically reflecting completion of at least two years of college-level Spanish). There are approximately 90 courses in the law department offered to students each academic year. Students may also take graduate level law courses, pending availability. Courses are available in areas such as Administrative Law, Competition Law, Environmental Law, Insurance and Liability Law, Intellectual Property Law, and more.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    Universidad Torcuato di Tella is well-known for International Business Law. UTDT promotes an interdisciplinary approach to legal studies, incorporating legal approaches based in applied ethics, modern theories of justice, economic analysis of law, game theory, constitutional law, deliberative democracy, criminal responsibility in light of moral and political philosophy, administrative law, and more. Previous UCLA Law students who studied abroad at UTDT pursued coursework there with an emphasis on Latin American Law and Intellectual Property Law.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    Universidad Torcuato di Tella has partner agreements with almost 30 American universities, so there are always a large number of U.S. exchange students on campus. UTDT invites approximately 5-to-7 students per semester from several U.S. law schools: Pepperdine University, Brooklyn Law School, Arizona State University, American University, Northwestern University, Southwestern University, University of San Diego, and University of Texas. UTDT will accept two students from UCLA Law per semester, or up to four students per academic year. UTDT also welcomes a variable number of students each semester from numerous institutions abroad, including Bucerius (Germany), Fundacao Getulio Vargas (Brazil), Humboldt (Germany), ITAM (Mexico), Tilburg (The Netherlands), Carlos III, Pompeu Fabra (Spain), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Turin (Italy), Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), Louvain (Belgium), Paris X (France), Montreal (Canada), and Neuchatel (Switzerland).

    What is the term schedule?

    The fall semester runs from early August to mid-December. The spring semester runs from early March to mid-July. View the academic calendar for more details.

    Where can I get housing?

    While Universidad Torcuato di Tella does not offer housing to students, the International Programs Office does offer incoming exchange students a comprehensive list of resources for seeking accommodations in Buenos Aires. UTDT provides additional information regarding accommodation expenses and the estimated cost of living online.


    Professor Máximo Langer
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about UTDT are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the UTDT coordinators directly.


    Ms. Natalia Cuadra
    Incoming Students Coordinator, International Programs

    Ms. Alex Markman
    Director of International Programs

  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra Law School

    Barcelona, Spain

    Are classes taught in English?

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra offers about ten law classes in English per academic year. Subjects include Public International Law, Labor Law, and Family Law. While most classes are offered in Spanish or Catalan, students are free to write final examinations in English. Students are eligible to enroll in faculty of law courses in the fields of Law, Labour Relations, and Criminology and Public Prevention Policies. Visit the course offerings available to incoming exchange students for more details. Students may also elect to take master’s-level courses offered at the faculty of law within the Legal Sciences program. View the master’s course offerings for the most recent academic year for more information.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    The advanced curriculum features courses in International Labor and Human Rights Law. Previous UCLA Law students who studied abroad at UPF pursued coursework in fields relating to International Business Law and Criminal Law. Labor/Employment Law is an additional area of emphasis at UPF.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    While the precise number of U.S. exchange students varies, over 700 students from around the world come to Universitat Pompeu Fabra each year. UPF will accept two students per semester from UCLA Law, or up to four students per academic year.

    What is the term schedule?

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra structures the academic year around three terms. The first trimester runs from September to December. The second trimester runs from January to March. The third trimester runs from April to June. Visit the current academic calendar for more information.

    Where can I get housing?

    A variety of student residences near campus are available with a reservation. Students are encouraged to look for accommodations well in advance of arriving in Barcelona. View more information about accommodations or more details regarding a private housing company recommended by UPF.


    Professor Stephen Gardbaum
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about UPF are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the UPF coordinators directly.


    Mr. Josep Capdeferro
    Law Exchange Coordinator

    Prof. Esther Farnós
    Incoming Law Coordinator Academic Advisor

    Mobility and Welcome Offices

  • University of Vienna Faculty of Law

    Vienna, Austria

    Are classes taught in English?

    There are usually about five seminars taught in English each semester, but most courses are taught in German. The University of Vienna recently offered English seminars in International Law, Legal Methods, Cinema and Human Rights, and a Moot Program in International Commercial Arbitration. View the course catalog for more information.

    What are the major strengths of the program?

    The University of Vienna Faculty of Law is known for its curricula in the key areas of International Law, Comparative Law and Commercial Law. Students fluent in German should also investigate courses in Legal History, Roman Law, and Legal Philosophy.

    Vienna will help to place interested UCLA Law students in internships at reputable big law firms in Vienna during the summer before the fall semester or the winter prior to the spring semester spent at the University of Vienna. Internships may be secured at law firms including: Baker & McKenzie (available only during the winter period from January to February) or Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (available during both the summer and winter intersession months). Remuneration may also be offered to cover living expenses during the length of the internship.

    How many U.S. exchange students are there?

    There are usually a few other U.S. exchange students. Most of the exchange students are from Europe.

    What is the term schedule?

    The winter semester runs from early October to late January. The summer semester runs from early March to late June. View the current academic calendar. Note that there are sometimes blocked seminars available that allow students to finish terms early.

    Where can I get housing?

    The Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD) can usually find accommodation for exchange students in the resident halls. Alternatively, incoming students can request a list of persons who sublet rooms or apartments to students. The University of Vienna provides more information about accommodations online via the Student Point portal.


    Professor Máximo Langer
    Faculty FLSEP Coordinator

    Prospective exchange students seeking more information about Vienna are advised to first contact the designated UCLA coordinator and/or faculty contact with any initial questions. Only after submitting an application and receiving an official UCLA Law nomination should students then contact the Vienna coordinators directly.


    Ms. Siina Karbin

    Mr. Markus Weichbold

    Professor Martin Schauer

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