Mission: The UCLA Entertainment Law Review (ELR) is an international law journal published once or twice a year by the UCLA School of Law. Since 1994, ELR’s staff has worked diligently to bring to our subscribers academic work of the highest quality, as well as articles that tackle the most novel and cutting-edge issues in the field of entertainment law.
Our journal publishes a broad range of articles and student comments on a variety of topics of interest to the entertainment law community. These topics include copyright, new media law, Internet and communications law, sports law, motion picture and television law, music law, art law, broadcasting law, journalism and the First Amendment, and “soft” intellectual property law.
Current Issue
Children Are Making It Big (for EVERYONE ELSE): The Need for CHILD LABOR LAWS Protecting Child Influencers
Edwards, Madyson
Rules of the Game: Are the Rules and Mechanics of Video Games Copyrightable?
Faustina, Aidan
Case-by-Case: Most Sound Recording Copyright Assignments Should be Terminable
Sullivan, Brendan
Students, Athletes, and Employees: An Evolving Distinction
Murphy, Bridget M.; Dobbs, Claire E.; Hunt, Zachary R.
Post Post-Paramount Decrees: The Evolution of Antitrust Concerns as the Film Industry Transforms
Shoemaker, Rachel M.